Display the required packages and the colour schemes.
── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ──
✔ dplyr 1.1.4 ✔ readr 2.1.5
✔ forcats 1.0.0 ✔ stringr 1.5.1
✔ ggplot2 3.5.1 ✔ tibble 3.2.1
✔ lubridate 1.9.3 ✔ tidyr 1.3.1
✔ purrr 1.0.2
── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
✖ dplyr::lag() masks stats::lag()
ℹ Use the conflicted package (<http://conflicted.r-lib.org/>) to force all conflicts to become errors
Display the required packages and the colour schemes.
randomForest 4.7-1.1
Type rfNews() to see new features/changes/bug fixes.
Attaching package: 'randomForest'
The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
The following object is masked from 'package:ggplot2':
Display the required packages and the colour schemes.
locfit 1.5-9.9 2024-03-01
Attaching package: 'locfit'
The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':
Display the required packages and the colour schemes.
Type 'citation("pROC")' for a citation.
Attaching package: 'pROC'
The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
cov, smooth, var
Display the required packages and the colour schemes.
In Chapter 6, we prepared the data on which we will run some simulations, and obtained a set of hyperparameters for a regression forest and for a classification forest that optimize a goodness-of-fit criterion. The forests were trained on a train set. We left aside 50% of the observations to run simulations. This is what we do in this chapter. We consider the remainder of the data, and we randomly create 200 different splits to create a calibration set and a test set. On each obtained split, we train a recalibrator (as in Chapter 5) on the calibration set. We then compute calibration and goodness of fit metrics. We also calculate the calibration curves (using local regression only).
7.1 Helper Functions
Before running the simulations, we need some helper functions.
7.1.1 Calibration/Test Splits
We define get_samples() which is used to create a partition of the data to create a calibration and a test set.
#' Get calibration/test samples from the DGP#'#' @param seed seed to use to generate the data#' @param n_obs number of desired observationsget_samples <-function(seed, data) {set.seed(seed) n_obs <-nrow(data)# Calibration/test sets---- calib_index <-sample(1:nrow(data), size = .5*nrow(data), replace =FALSE) tb_calib <- data |>slice(calib_index) tb_test <- data |>slice(-calib_index)list(data = data,tb_calib = tb_calib,tb_test = tb_test,calib_index = calib_index,seed = seed,n_obs = n_obs )}
7.1.2 Standard Metrics For Classification / Regression
We define the compute_gof() function wich computes multiple goodness-of-fit criteria.
Display the codes used to define the standard metrics
#' Computes goodness of fit metrics#' #' @param true_prob true probabilities. If `NULL` (default), True MSE is not #' computed and the `NA` value is returned for this metric#' @param obs observed values (binary outcome)#' @param pred predicted scores#' @param threshold classification threshold (default to `.5`)#' @returns tibble with MSE, accuracy, missclassification rate, sensititity #' (TPR), specificity (TNR), FPR, and used thresholdcompute_gof <-function(true_prob =NULL, obs, pred, threshold = .5) {# MSEif (!is.null(true_prob)) { mse <-mean((true_prob - pred)^2) } else { mse =NA } pred_class <-as.numeric(pred > threshold) confusion_tb <-tibble(obs = obs,pred = pred_class ) |>count(obs, pred) TN <- confusion_tb |>filter(obs ==0, pred ==0) |>pull(n) TP <- confusion_tb |>filter(obs ==1, pred ==1) |>pull(n) FP <- confusion_tb |>filter(obs ==0, pred ==1) |>pull(n) FN <- confusion_tb |>filter(obs ==1, pred ==0) |>pull(n)if (length(TN) ==0) TN <-0if (length(TP) ==0) TP <-0if (length(FP) ==0) FP <-0if (length(FN) ==0) FN <-0 n_pos <-sum(obs ==1) n_neg <-sum(obs ==0)# Accuracy acc <- (TP + TN) / (n_pos + n_neg)# Missclassification rate missclass_rate <-1- acc# Sensitivity (True positive rate)# proportion of actual positives that are correctly identified as such TPR <- TP / n_pos# Specificity (True negative rate)# proportion of actual negatives that are correctly identified as such TNR <- TN / n_neg# False positive Rate FPR <- FP / n_neg# AUC AUC <-as.numeric(pROC::auc(obs, pred, levels =c("0", "1"), direction =">"))# roc <- pROC::roc(obs, pred, levels = c("0", "1"), direction = ">")# AUC <- as.numeric(pROC::auc(roc))tibble(mse = mse,accuracy = acc,missclass_rate = missclass_rate,sensitivity = TPR,specificity = TNR,threshold = threshold,FPR = FPR,AUC = AUC )}
We define functions to estimate calibration, as in Section 1.2 from Chapter 1 (brier_score(), get_summary_bins(), e_calib_error(), qmse_error(), local_ci_scores(), weighted_mse(), local_calib_score(), and a wrapper function, compute_metrics()).
Display the codes used to define calibration metrics functions.
## Brier Score----brier_score <-function(obs, scores) mean((scores - obs)^2)## Expected Calibration Error (ECE)----#' Computes summary statistics for binomial observed data and predicted scores#' returned by a model#'#' @param obs vector of observed events#' @param scores vector of predicted probabilities#' @param k number of classes to create (quantiles, default to `10`)#' @param threshold classification threshold (default to `.5`)#' @return a tibble where each row correspond to a bin, and each columns are:#' - `score_class`: level of the decile that the bin represents#' - `nb`: number of observation#' - `mean_obs`: average of obs (proportion of positive events)#' - `mean_score`: average predicted score (confidence)#' - `sum_obs`: number of positive events (number of positive events)#' - `accuracy`: accuracy (share of correctly predicted, using the#' threshold)get_summary_bins <-function(obs, scores,k =10, threshold = .5) { breaks <-quantile(scores, probs = (0:k) / k) tb_breaks <-tibble(breaks = breaks, labels =0:k) |>group_by(breaks) |>slice_tail(n =1) |>ungroup() x_with_class <-tibble(obs = obs,score = scores, ) |>mutate(score_class =cut( score,breaks = tb_breaks$breaks,labels = tb_breaks$labels[-1],include.lowest =TRUE ),pred_class =ifelse(score > threshold, 1, 0),correct_pred = obs == pred_class ) x_with_class |>group_by(score_class) |>summarise(nb =n(),mean_obs =mean(obs),mean_score =mean(score), # confidencesum_obs =sum(obs),accuracy =mean(correct_pred) ) |>ungroup() |>mutate(score_class =as.character(score_class) |>as.numeric() ) |>arrange(score_class)}#' Expected Calibration Error#'#' @param obs vector of observed events#' @param scores vector of predicted probabilities#' @param k number of classes to create (quantiles, default to `10`)#' @param threshold classification threshold (default to `.5`)e_calib_error <-function(obs, scores, k =10, threshold = .5) { summary_bins <-get_summary_bins(obs = obs, scores = scores, k = k, threshold = .5 ) summary_bins |>mutate(ece_bin = nb *abs(accuracy - mean_score)) |>summarise(ece =1/sum(nb) *sum(ece_bin)) |>pull(ece)}## Quantile-based Mean Squared Error----#' Quantile-Based MSE#'#' @param obs vector of observed events#' @param scores vector of predicted probabilities#' @param k number of classes to create (quantiles, default to `10`)#' @param threshold classification threshold (default to `.5`)qmse_error <-function(obs, scores, k =10, threshold = .5) { summary_bins <-get_summary_bins(obs = obs, scores = scores, k = k, threshold = .5 ) summary_bins |>mutate(qmse_bin = nb * (mean_obs - mean_score)^2) |>summarise(qmse =1/sum(nb) *sum(qmse_bin)) |>pull(qmse)}## Weighted Mean Squared Error----#' @param obs vector of observed events#' @param scores vector of predicted probabilities#' @param tau value at which to compute the confidence interval#' @param nn fraction of nearest neighbors#' @prob level of the confidence interval (default to `.95`)#' @param method Which method to use to construct the interval. Any combination#' of c("exact", "ac", "asymptotic", "wilson", "prop.test", "bayes", "logit",#' "cloglog", "probit") is allowed. Default is "all".#' @return a tibble with a single row that corresponds to estimations made in#' the neighborhood of a probability $p=\tau$`, using the fraction `nn` of#' neighbors, where the columns are:#' - `score`: score tau in the neighborhood of which statistics are computed#' - `mean`: estimation of $E(d | s(x) = \tau)$#' - `lower`: lower bound of the confidence interval#' - `upper`: upper bound of the confidence interval#' @importFrom binom binom.confintlocal_ci_scores <-function(obs, scores, tau, nn,prob = .95,method ="probit") {# Identify the k nearest neighbors based on hat{p} k <-round(length(scores) * nn) rgs <-rank(abs(scores - tau), ties.method ="first") idx <-which(rgs <= k)binom.confint(x =sum(obs[idx]),n =length(idx),conf.level = prob,methods = method )[, c("mean", "lower", "upper")] |>tibble() |>mutate(xlim = tau) |>relocate(xlim, .before = mean)}#' Compute the Weighted Mean Squared Error to assess the calibration of a model#'#' @param local_scores tibble with expected scores obtained with the #' `local_ci_scores()` function#' @param scores vector of raw predicted probabilitiesweighted_mse <-function(local_scores, scores) {# To account for border bias (support is [0,1]) scores_reflected <-c(-scores, scores, 2- scores) dens <-density(x = scores_reflected, from =0, to =1, n =length(local_scores$xlim) )# The weights weights <- dens$y local_scores |>mutate(wmse_p = (xlim - mean)^2,weight =!!weights ) |>summarise(wmse =sum(weight * wmse_p) /sum(weight)) |>pull(wmse)}## Local regression score#' Calibration score using Local Regression#' #' @param obs vector of observed events#' @param scores vector of predicted probabilitieslocal_calib_score <-function(obs, scores) {# Add a little noise to the scores, to avoir crashing R scores <- scores +rnorm(length(scores), 0, .001) locfit_0 <-locfit(formula = d ~lp(scores, nn =0.15, deg =0), kern ="rect", maxk =200, data =tibble(d = obs,scores = scores ) )# Predictions on [0,1] linspace_raw <-seq(0, 1, length.out =100)# Restricting this space to the range of observed scores keep_linspace <-which(linspace_raw >=min(scores) & linspace_raw <=max(scores)) linspace <- linspace_raw[keep_linspace] locfit_0_linspace <-predict(locfit_0, newdata = linspace) locfit_0_linspace[locfit_0_linspace >1] <-1 locfit_0_linspace[locfit_0_linspace <0] <-0# Squared difference between predicted value and the bissector, weighted by the density of values scores_reflected <-c(-scores, scores, 2- scores) dens <-density(x = scores_reflected, from =0, to =1, n =length(linspace_raw) )# The weights weights <- dens$y[keep_linspace]weighted.mean((linspace - locfit_0_linspace)^2, weights)}## Wrapper----#' Computes the calibration metrics for a set of observed and predicted #' probabilities#' - mse: Mean Squared Error based on true proba#' - brier: Brier score#' - ece: Expectec Calibration Error#' - qmse: MSE on bins defined by the quantiles of the predicted scores#' - wmse: MSE weighted by the density of the predicted scores#' #' @param obs observed events#' @param scores predicted scores#' @param true_probas true probabilities from the PGD (to compute MSE)#' @param linspace vector of values at which to compute the WMSE#' @param k number of classes (bins) to create (default to `10`)compute_metrics <-function(obs, scores, true_probas =NULL,linspace =NULL,k =10) {## True MSEif (!is.null(true_probas)) { mse <-mean((true_probas - scores)^2) } else { mse <-NA } brier <-brier_score(obs = obs, scores = scores)if (length(unique(scores)) >1) { ece <-e_calib_error(obs = obs, scores = scores, k = k, threshold = .5) qmse <-qmse_error(obs = obs, scores = scores, k = k, threshold = .5) } else { ece <-NA qmse <-NA } locfit_score <-local_calib_score(obs = obs, scores = scores)if (is.null(linspace)) linspace <-seq(0, 1, length.out =101) expected_events <-map(.x = linspace,.f =~local_ci_scores(obs = obs, scores = scores,tau = .x, nn = .15, prob = .95, method ="probit") ) |>bind_rows() wmse <-weighted_mse(local_scores = expected_events, scores = scores)tibble(mse = mse, locfit_score = locfit_score,brier = brier, ece = ece, qmse = qmse, wmse = wmse )}
7.1.3 Functions to Train Random Forests
We define two functions to train a random forest on the train set, apply_rf() (for a regressor) and apply_rf_vote() (for a classifier). Both functions return the estimated scores on the train set, the calibration set, and the test set.
We define the calib_curve_locfit_simul_rf() function to compute the calibration curve for a simulation.
#' Get the calibration curve for one simulation for the random forest,#' using the local regression approach#' #' @param simul results of a simulation obtained with simul_rf#' @param linspace values at which to compute the mean observed event when #' computing the WMSEcalib_curve_locfit_simul_rf <-function(simul,linspace =NULL) {if (is.null(linspace)) linspace <-seq(0, 1, length.out =101) n_obs <- simul$n_obs seed <- simul$seed# Get the data used to train the forest data <-get_samples(n_obs = n_obs, seed = seed) tb_train <- data$tb_train tb_calib <- data$tb_calib tb_test <- data$tb_test# Scores estimated by the RF scores_train <- simul$scores$scores_train scores_calib <- simul$scores$scores_calib scores_test <- simul$scores$scores_test locfit_0_train <-locfit(formula = d ~lp(score, nn =0.15, deg =0), kern ="rect", maxk =200, data =tibble(d = tb_train$d, score = scores_train) ) locfit_0_calib <-locfit(formula = d ~lp(score, nn =0.15, deg =0), kern ="rect", maxk =200, data =tibble(d = tb_calib$d, score = scores_calib) ) locfit_0_test <-locfit(formula = d ~lp(score, nn =0.15, deg =0), kern ="rect", maxk =200, data =tibble(d = tb_test$d, score = scores_test) ) score_c_locfit_0_train <-predict(locfit_0_train, newdata = linspace) score_c_locfit_0_calib <-predict(locfit_0_calib, newdata = linspace) score_c_locfit_0_test <-predict(locfit_0_test, newdata = linspace)# Make sure to have values in [0,1] score_c_locfit_0_train[score_c_locfit_0_train >1] <-1 score_c_locfit_0_train[score_c_locfit_0_train <0] <-0 score_c_locfit_0_calib[score_c_locfit_0_calib >1] <-1 score_c_locfit_0_calib[score_c_locfit_0_calib <0] <-0 score_c_locfit_0_test[score_c_locfit_0_test >1] <-1 score_c_locfit_0_test[score_c_locfit_0_test <0] <-0 res_train <-tibble(xlim = linspace,locfit_pred = score_c_locfit_0_train,sample ="train" ) res_calib <-tibble(xlim = linspace,locfit_pred = score_c_locfit_0_calib,sample ="calibration" ) res_test <-tibble(xlim = linspace,locfit_pred = score_c_locfit_0_test,sample ="test" ) res_train |>bind_rows( res_calib ) |>bind_rows( res_test ) |>mutate(n_obs = n_obs,seed = seed )}
7.1.5 Recalibration
We define a core function, recalibrate() which recalibrates the scores using a recalibrator (we use, as in Chapter 2, the following recalibrator: Platt scaling, isotonic regression, beta calibration, and locfit).
#' Recalibrates scores using a calibrator#' #' @param obs_train vector of observed events in the train set#' @param scores_train vector of predicted probabilities in the train set#' @param obs_calib vector of observed events in the calibration set#' @param scores_calib vector of predicted probabilities in the calibration set#' @param obs_test vector of observed events in the test set#' @param scores_test vector of predicted probabilities in the test set#' @param method recalibration method (`"platt"` for Platt-Scaling, #' `"isotonic"` for isotonic regression, `"beta"` for beta calibration, #' `"locfit"` for local regression)#' @param params list of named parameters to use in the local regression #' (`nn` for fraction of nearest neighbors to use, `deg` for degree)#' @param linspace vector of alues at which to compute the recalibrated scores#' @returns list of three elements: recalibrated scores on the calibration set,#' recalibrated scores on the test set, and recalibrated scores on a segment #' of valuesrecalibrate <-function(obs_train, pred_train, obs_calib, pred_calib, obs_test, pred_test,method =c("platt", "isotonic", "beta", "locfit"),params =NULL,linspace =NULL) {if (is.null(linspace)) linspace <-seq(0, 1, length.out =101) data_train <-tibble(d = obs_train, scores = pred_train) data_calib <-tibble(d = obs_calib, scores = pred_calib) data_test <-tibble(d = obs_test, scores = pred_test)# Recalibrator trained on calibration dataif (method =="platt") {# Recalibrator lr <-glm( d ~ scores, family =binomial(link ='logit'), data = data_calib )# Recalibrated scores on calib/test sets score_c_train <-predict(lr, newdata = data_train, type ="response") score_c_calib <-predict(lr, newdata = data_calib, type ="response") score_c_test <-predict(lr, newdata = data_test, type ="response")# Recalibrated scores on [0,1] score_c_linspace <-predict( lr, newdata =tibble(scores = linspace), type ="response" ) } elseif (method =="isotonic") { iso <-isoreg(x = data_calib$scores, y = data_calib$d) fit_iso <-as.stepfun(iso) score_c_train <-fit_iso(data_train$scores) score_c_calib <-fit_iso(data_calib$scores) score_c_test <-fit_iso(data_test$scores) score_c_linspace <-fit_iso(linspace) } elseif (method =="beta") {capture.output({ bc <-try(beta_calibration(p = data_calib$scores, y = data_calib$d, parameters ="abm"# 3 parameters a, b & m )) })if (!inherits(bc, "try-error")) { score_c_train <-beta_predict(p = data_train$scores, bc) score_c_calib <-beta_predict(p = data_calib$scores, bc) score_c_test <-beta_predict(p = data_test$scores, bc) score_c_linspace <-beta_predict(p = linspace, bc) } else { score_c_train <- score_c_calib <- score_c_test <- score_c_linspace <-NA } } elseif (method =="locfit") { noise_scores <- data_calib$scores +rnorm(nrow(data_calib), 0, 0.01) noise_data_calib <- data_calib %>%mutate(scores = noise_scores) locfit_reg <-locfit(formula = d ~lp(scores, nn = params$nn, deg = params$deg), kern ="rect", maxk =200, data = noise_data_calib ) score_c_train <-predict(locfit_reg, newdata = data_train) score_c_train[score_c_train <0] <-0 score_c_train[score_c_train >1] <-1 score_c_calib <-predict(locfit_reg, newdata = data_calib) score_c_calib[score_c_calib <0] <-0 score_c_calib[score_c_calib >1] <-1 score_c_test <-predict(locfit_reg, newdata = data_test) score_c_test[score_c_test <0] <-0 score_c_test[score_c_test >1] <-1 score_c_linspace <-predict(locfit_reg, newdata = linspace) score_c_linspace[score_c_linspace <0] <-0 score_c_linspace[score_c_linspace >1] <-1 } else {stop(str_c('Wrong method. Use one of the following:','"platt", "isotonic", "beta", "locfit"' )) }# Format results in tibbles:# For train set tb_score_c_train <-tibble(d = obs_train,p_u = pred_train,p_c = score_c_train )# For calibration set tb_score_c_calib <-tibble(d = obs_calib,p_u = pred_calib,p_c = score_c_calib )# For test set tb_score_c_test <-tibble(d = obs_test,p_u = pred_test,p_c = score_c_test )# For linear space tb_score_c_linspace <-tibble(linspace = linspace,p_c = score_c_linspace )list(tb_score_c_train = tb_score_c_train,tb_score_c_calib = tb_score_c_calib,tb_score_c_test = tb_score_c_test,tb_score_c_linspace = tb_score_c_linspace )}
7.1.6 Wrapper Function
Lastly, we define a wrapper function to perform a single replication of the simulations, for a type of problem (regression or classification).
We now explore the relationship between calibration and goodness-of-fit.
Let us consider different set of hyperparameters for the random forests. We will train a forest on each set and compute calibration and goodness-of-fit metrics on both the training set and on the remaining set (we no longer split the remaining data into a calibration set and a test set).