3  Model Calibration

Display the setting codes
# Required packages----

# Graphs----
font_main = font_title = 'Times New Roman'
extrafont::loadfonts(quiet = T)
size_title = 14
size_text = 11
legend_size = 11

global_theme <- function() {
  theme_minimal() %+replace%
      text = element_text(family = font_main, size = size_text, face = face_text),
      legend.text = element_text(family = font_main, size = legend_size),
      axis.text = element_text(size = size_text, face = face_text), 
      plot.title = element_text(
        family = font_title, 
        size = size_title, 
        hjust = 0.5
      plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5)

# Colours
colors_ <- wes_palette('Rushmore1')
col_seine <- "#2140A3"

In this part, we look at the calibration of the model. In a nutshell, in traditional regression, a model output denoted as \(\hat{Z}\) is considered well calibrated for \(Z\) when (Krüger and Ziegel (2020)): \[ \mathbb{E}\left[ Z \mid \hat{Z} \right] = \hat{Z}\enspace. \]

However, here, we discretize the variable of interest (square meter prices) so as to obtain a multi-class variable \(\mathcal{Y} = [K]\), where \(K>0\) is a positive integer.

Here, we focus on ordinal regression. The variable of interest is denoted as \(\mathcal{Y} = [K]\), where \(K>0\) is a positive integer. In this context, a model \(h\in\mathcal{H}\) is deemed well calibrated in predicting the distribution of confident scores \(\hat{\boldsymbol{P}}\) (Widmann, Lindsten, and Zachariah (2019)) if: \[ \mathbb{P}(Y = k | \,\hat{\boldsymbol{P}} = \hat{\boldsymbol{p}}) = \hat{p}_k,\quad \text{ for all }k\in[K]\enspace, \] where \(\hat{\boldsymbol{p}} = (\hat{p}_1, \ldots, \hat{p}_K)\) and \(\hat{p}_k\) represents the (confidence) score or probability estimate for class \(k\) under the model \(h\).

To measure the calibration of a model, we rely on the group-wise calibration error, or in the calibration literature, the Expected Calibration Error (ECE) (Naeini, Cooper, and Hauskrecht (2015)) denoted \(\mathcal{U}_{ECE}\).

The empirical distribution is calculated as follows: \[ \hat{\mathbb{P}}_{(\boldsymbol{X}_i, Y_i)_i}:= \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n \delta_{(\boldsymbol{X}_i, Y_i)}\enspace, \tag{3.1}\] where \((\boldsymbol{X}_i, Y_i)_{i=1, \ldots, n}\)is the empirical data, i.i.d. copies of \((\boldsymbol{X}, Y)\).

Let the interval \([0,1]\) be partitioned into \(B\) bins based on quantiles of \(\max_k \hat{p}_k\) values, where each bin \(b\in[B]\) is associated with the set \(\mathcal{I}_b\) containing the indices of instances within that bin. This partitioning is used in the subsequent definition of the ECE, which is applicable to the multi-class classification framework and thereby extends to ordinal regression.

Model calibration in multi-class classification

To quantify the ECE, we introduce the accuracy and confidence measures within each bin \(b\in[B]\):

  • Accuracy: \[\textrm{acc}(\mathcal{I}_b) = \hat{\mathbb{P}}_{(\boldsymbol{X}_i, Y_i)_{i\in\mathcal{I}_b}}(Y=\hat{Y})\]
  • Confidence: \[\textrm{conf}(\mathcal{I}_b) = \hat{\mathbb{E}}_{(\boldsymbol{X}_i, Y_i)_{i\in\mathcal{I}_b}} (\max_k \hat{p}_k)\enspace. %\frac{1}{n_b} \sum_{i \in b} \max_k \hat{p}_k^{(i)}\]

The calibration error measure for a model \(h\in\mathcal{H}\) is then defined as \[ \mathcal{U}_{ECE}(h) := \frac{1}{n} \sum_{b\in[B]} |\mathcal{I}_b| \cdot \left|\textrm{acc}(\mathcal{I}_b) - \textrm{conf}(\mathcal{I}_b)\right| \enspace, \] and model \(h\) is considered (group-wise) well calibrated if \(\mathcal{U}_{ECE}(h) = 0\).

3.1 Load Data

Let us load the real estate data that were cleaned in Section 1.5, in Chapter 1.


Let us have a look at the quantiles of the observed and the estimated prices. We consider here levels from 0 to 1 in steps of .05 for the quantiles.

probs <- seq(0, 1, .05)
quantile_data <- tibble(
  true_price_quant = quantile(data_clean_all$pm2, probs = probs), 
  estim_price_quant = quantile(data_clean_all$pm2_estimated, probs = probs)
Display the codes used to create the Figure.
  data = quantile_data, 
  mapping = aes(x = estim_price_quant, y = true_price_quant)
) + 
  geom_point(color = "lightblue", alpha = 0.8) +
  geom_abline(color="violetred", alpha = 0.5) +
    x = "Quantiles of estimated square meter prices",
    y = "Quantiles of observed square meter prices",
  ) +
  scale_x_continuous(labels = scales::label_comma()) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::label_comma()) +
Figure 3.1: Quantiles of observed prices as a function of quantiles of estimated prices. The violet line is the bissector.

3.2 Illustrative Example

Let us consider an illustrative example, where we discretize the data into 5 classes.

k <- 5

Let us store the observed and predicted prices in two vectors.

obs <- data_clean_all$pm2
pred <- data_clean_all$pm2_estimated

Based on the predicted prices \(\hat{Y}\), we define 5 bins:

quantiles <- quantile(pred, probs = (0:k) / k)
       0%       20%       40%       60%       80%      100% 
 3653.324  8958.131  9849.044 10682.828 11821.381 19927.113 

We compute the midpoint of each bin:

midpoints <- quantiles |> rollmean(quantiles, k = 2)
midpoints <- midpoints[-length(midpoints)]
       0%       20%       40%       60%       80% 
 6305.728  9403.588 10265.936 11252.105 15874.247 

Next, we compute the length of each bin, which corresponds to the distance between quantiles:

dist_quantiles <- diff(quantiles) # to normalize deviation
dist_q <- tibble(
  pred_labs = 1:length(dist_quantiles), 
  dist = dist_quantiles
) |> 
  mutate(pred_labs = pred_labs)
# A tibble: 5 × 2
  pred_labs  dist
      <int> <dbl>
1         1 5305.
2         2  891.
3         3  834.
4         4 1139.
5         5 8106.

Then, for each observed price and each predicted price, we can assign the bin in which it lies.

# Change first and last values of quantiles (0% - 100%)
quantiles[1] <- 0
quantiles[length(quantiles)] <- Inf
# Get true and predicted labels based on quantiles
obs_labels <- cut(
  obs, breaks = quantiles, labels = 1:(length(quantiles) - 1)
) |> 
pred_labels <- cut(
  pred, breaks = quantiles, labels = 1:(length(quantiles)-1)
) |> 

Let us put the results in a tibble:

data_to_display <- tibble(
  obs = obs,
  pred = pred,
  obs_labs = obs_labels, 
  pred_labs = pred_labels
) |>
  left_join(dist_q, by="pred_labs")
# A tibble: 11,169 × 5
      obs   pred obs_labs pred_labs  dist
    <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>
 1  9500   9227.        2         2  891.
 2 14210  14481.        5         5 8106.
 3 11314. 13481.        4         5 8106.
 4  9838.  8553.        2         1 5305.
 5  5294.  7132.        1         1 5305.
 6  5042.  8035.        1         1 5305.
 7  8684.  8708.        1         1 5305.
 8  8167.  8931.        1         1 5305.
 9  7647.  9946.        1         3  834.
10  5581.  7339.        1         1 5305.
# ℹ 11,159 more rows

3.2.1 Calibration Curve

Now, in each bin, we can compute the mean of observed and predicted prices (obs_mean and pred_mean). This will allow us to create a calibration curve. We also compute the number of observation in the bin (nb), the length of the bin (dist), the midpoints of the two quantiles defining the bin (midpoints), and the difference between the average observed price and the average predicted price (diff).

local_means <- data_to_display |> 
  group_by(pred_labs) |> 
    obs_mean = mean(obs),
    pred_mean = mean(pred),
    nb = n(),
    dist = min(dist)
  ) |>
  mutate(midpoints = midpoints) |>
  mutate(diff = obs_mean - pred_mean)
# A tibble: 5 × 7
  pred_labs obs_mean pred_mean    nb  dist midpoints   diff
      <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl> <int> <dbl>     <dbl>  <dbl>
1         1    8535.     8121.  2234 5305.     6306.  414. 
2         2    9687.     9421.  2234  891.     9404.  267. 
3         3   10363.    10257.  2233  834.    10266.  106. 
4         4   11202.    11191.  2234 1139.    11252.   10.9
5         5   13149.    13412.  2234 8106.    15874. -263. 

Let us draw the calibration curve. We can define a color for each bin (we generate 10 but will only use 5 here).

colours <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(10, "Paired")
names(colours) <- seq_len(max(10))

The calibration curve is shown in Figure 3.2. If the model was perfectly calibrated, the dots would all be on the bissector.

Display the codes used to create the Figure.
x_lim <- c(-500, 25000)
ggplot() + 
    data = data_to_display |> 
      mutate(pred_labs = factor(pred_labs)), 
    mapping = aes(
      x = pred, y = obs, 
      color = pred_labs
    alpha = 0.3
  ) +
  scale_colour_manual(values = colours[1:k]) +
  # Mean point in each bin
    data = local_means, 
    mapping = aes(x = pred_mean, y = obs_mean)
  ) +
  # in thousand Euros
    x = "Estimated square meter prices",
    y = "Observed square meter prices"
  ) +
    labels = scales::label_comma(scale = 1/1000), limits = x_lim
  ) +
    labels = scales::label_comma(scale = 1/1000), limits = x_lim
  ) +
  geom_abline(color="black", alpha = 0.5) + 
  guides(color = "none") + 
Figure 3.2: Calibration on the whole dataset estimated using 5 bins. Prices are in thousand Euros.

We can also use a barplot to visualize how far the average observed prices are from the average predicted prices in each bin.

Display the codes used to create the Figure.
y_lim_bar <- range(local_means$diff)
y_lim_bar[1] <- round(y_lim_bar[1]) - 100
y_lim_bar[2] <- round(y_lim_bar[2]) + 100
  data = local_means,
  mapping = aes(x = pred_mean, y = diff, fill = factor(pred_labs))
) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
    mapping = aes(
      x = min(pred_mean), 
      y = 0, 
      xend = max(pred_mean),
      yend = 0),
    colour = "black",
    alpha = 0.1,
    linewidth = .1
  ) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = colours[1:k]) +
    labels = scales::label_comma(scale = 1/1000), limits = x_lim
  ) +
    labels = scales::label_comma(scale = 1/1000), limits = y_lim_bar
  ) +
  guides(fill = "none") + 
  # in thousand Euros
  labs(x = "Estimated square meter prices",, y = "Difference") +
  global_theme() +
    panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
    axis.text.x = element_blank(), 
    axis.ticks.x = element_blank()
Figure 3.3: Calibration on the whole dataset estimated using 5 bins: difference between the average observed price and the average predicted price, in each bin. Prices are in thousand Euros.

3.2.2 Expected Calibration Error

Now, let us compute the Expected Calibration Error.

n_obs <- nrow(data_clean_all)

This time, we need to partition the data according to the quantiles computed on the observed prices.

quantiles <- quantile(data_clean_all$pm2, probs = (0:k) / k)
         0%         20%         40%         60%         80%        100% 
   11.97183  8893.48074  9941.87479 10829.77717 12122.78446 19994.28735 

The length of each bin:

dist_quantiles <- diff(quantiles)
      20%       40%       60%       80%      100% 
8881.5089 1048.3940  887.9024 1293.0073 7871.5029 

And the midpoints:

midpoints <- quantiles %>% rollmean(quantiles, k = 2)
midpoints <- midpoints[-length(midpoints)]
       0%       20%       40%       60%       80% 
 4452.726  9417.678 10385.826 11476.281 16058.536 

Let us get the true and predicted labels based on these quantiles:

# Change first and last values of quantiles (0% - 100%)
quantiles[1] <- 0
quantiles[length(quantiles)] <- Inf
obs_labels <- as.numeric(
  cut(obs, breaks = quantiles, labels = 1:(length(quantiles)-1))
pred_labels <- as.numeric(
  cut(pred, breaks = quantiles, labels = 1:(length(quantiles)-1))

Let us put those values in a tibble:

data_to_display <- tibble(
  obs = obs,
  pred = pred,
  obs_labs = obs_labels, 
  pred_labs = pred_labels
# A tibble: 11,169 × 4
      obs   pred obs_labs pred_labs
    <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
 1  9500   9227.        2         2
 2 14210  14481.        5         5
 3 11314. 13481.        4         5
 4  9838.  8553.        2         1
 5  5294.  7132.        1         1
 6  5042.  8035.        1         1
 7  8684.  8708.        1         1
 8  8167.  8931.        1         2
 9  7647.  9946.        1         3
10  5581.  7339.        1         1
# ℹ 11,159 more rows

We can then compute the distances between the predicted prices and the midpoints. First, we initiate a matrix which will contain the distances.

dist_y_hat <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = n_obs, ncol = length(midpoints))

For each example in the data, we will compute the distance of the predicted price to each of the midpoints of the quantile-defined bins. Before doing so, let us show an example with the first observation. The predicted price is:

[1] 9227.013

Its predicted bin is:

[1] 2

To compute the distance between an observation and a midpoint of a bin, we create a function, distance_metric().

#' Calculates distance between a data point and a midpoint by normalizing to 1
#' distance between quantiles
#' @param x observation
#' @param x_class assigned bin class
#' @param midpoint midpoint midpoints of the bin of interest
#' @param midpoints midpoints of all the bins
#' @param quantiles quantiles defining the bins
#' @param dist_quantiles length of each bin
distance_metric <- function(x, 
                            ) {
  midpoint_class <- which(midpoints == midpoint)
  if (x_class == midpoint_class){
    return(distance(x, midpoint) / dist_quantiles[x_class])
  } else if (x_class > midpoint_class){
    diff_class <- x_class - midpoint_class
    dist <- rep(NA, 2)
    # First and last distance values
    dist[1] <- 0.5
    dist[length(dist)] <- 
      distance(quantiles[x_class], x) / dist_quantiles[x_class]
    dist <- sum(dist)
    if (diff_class > 1) {
      dist <- dist + (diff_class - 1)
  } else {
    diff_class <- midpoint_class - x_class
    dist <- rep(NA, 2)
    # First and last distance values
    dist[1] <- 
      distance(quantiles[x_class + 1], x) / dist_quantiles[x_class]
    dist[length(dist)] <- 0.5
    dist <- sum(dist)
    if (diff_class > 1) {
      dist <- dist + (diff_class - 1)

This function needs another one, distance(), that returns the Euclidean distance between two points in \(\mathbb{R}\).

distance <- function(a, b) {
  return(abs(a - b))

The distance to the j-th midpoint can be computed as follows:

j <- 1
  x = data_to_display$pred[1], 
  x_class = data_to_display$pred_labs[1], 
  midpoint = midpoints[j],
  midpoints = midpoints,
  quantiles = quantiles,
  dist_quantiles = dist_quantiles
[1] 0.8181359

Let us apply this distance_metric() function to all the observations, and for each observation, to all the midpoints.

for (i in 1:n_obs) {
  for (j in 1:length(midpoints)) {
    dist_y_hat[i,j] <- distance_metric(
      x = data_to_display$pred[i], 
      x_class = data_to_display$pred_labs[i], 
      midpoint = midpoints[j],
      midpoints = midpoints,
      quantiles = quantiles,
      dist_quantiles = dist_quantiles

The predicted prices for the 10 first observations are:

 [1]  9227.013 14480.945 13481.491  8553.486  7132.463  8034.759  8708.281
 [8]  8931.178  9945.561  7338.527

And the distances to each midpoint:

           [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]      [,5]
 [1,] 0.8181359 0.1818641 1.1818641 2.1818641 3.1818641
 [2,] 3.7995820 2.7995820 1.7995820 0.7995820 0.2004180
 [3,] 3.6726109 2.6726109 1.6726109 0.6726109 0.3273891
 [4,] 0.4617188 0.5382812 1.5382812 2.5382812 3.5382812
 [5,] 0.3017209 0.6982791 1.6982791 2.6982791 3.6982791
 [6,] 0.4033136 0.5966864 1.5966864 2.5966864 3.5966864
 [7,] 0.4791477 0.5208523 1.5208523 2.5208523 3.5208523
 [8,] 0.5359573 0.4640427 1.4640427 2.4640427 3.4640427
 [9,] 1.5041515 0.5041515 0.4958485 1.4958485 2.4958485
[10,] 0.3249223 0.6750777 1.6750777 2.6750777 3.6750777

Let us save these results (so that we can re-use them in Chapter 5).

as_tibble(dist_y_hat) |> 
  rename_with(~str_remove(.x, "V"), .cols = everything()) |> 
  mutate(id = data_clean_all$id) |> 
  relocate(id, .before = `1`) |> 
Warning: The `x` argument of `as_tibble.matrix()` must have unique column names if
`.name_repair` is omitted as of tibble 2.0.0.
ℹ Using compatibility `.name_repair`.

For each observation, we can then apply the softmax function so that the distances for each observation sum to 1. The resulting values are considered as scores.

confidence_scores <- LDATS::softmax(-dist_y_hat)
            [,1]       [,2]      [,3]       [,4]       [,5]
 [1,] 0.25417622 0.48024657 0.1766728 0.06499431 0.02391007
 [2,] 0.01475786 0.04011601 0.1090466 0.29641945 0.53966006
 [3,] 0.01678987 0.04563959 0.1240613 0.33723345 0.47627584
 [4,] 0.41008176 0.37985677 0.1397415 0.05140802 0.01891195
 [5,] 0.48909384 0.32897976 0.1210249 0.04452257 0.01637894
 [6,] 0.43860715 0.36148886 0.1329843 0.04892220 0.01799747
 [7,] 0.40167638 0.38526911 0.1417326 0.05214050 0.01918142
 [8,] 0.37470037 0.40263935 0.1481227 0.05449131 0.02004623
 [9,] 0.12757524 0.34678546 0.3496768 0.12863890 0.04732361
[10,] 0.47750661 0.33644095 0.1237697 0.04553233 0.01675041

We can then assign a predicted label based on the distance:

predicted_labels <- ramify::argmax(confidence_scores)
 [1] 2 5 5 1 1 1 1 2 3 1

Let us extract the maximum score for each observation:

max_confidence_scores <- apply(confidence_scores, 1, max)
 [1] 0.4802466 0.5396601 0.4762758 0.4100818 0.4890938 0.4386071 0.4016764
 [8] 0.4026394 0.3496768 0.4775066

These scores can be added to the data_to_display tibble.

data_to_display <- data_to_display |>  
    mutate(scores_conf = max_confidence_scores)

Recall that in data_to_display, each observed price and each predicted price were assigned to a bin. The bins were defined using the quantiles computed on the predicted prices. It is possible to compare the assigned bin based on the observed or the predicted value. We can use this comparison to compute an overall accuracy.

data_to_display <- data_to_display |> 
    mutate(acc = if_else(obs_labs == pred_labs, 1, 0))

Eventually, we can compute the expected calibration error. Let us define new bins based on the predicted scores we just obtained.

breaks <- quantile(data_to_display$scores_conf, probs = (0:k) / k)
       0%       20%       40%       60%       80%      100% 
0.3483272 0.4011736 0.4274774 0.4564554 0.4893255 0.6364086 

We need to assign, for each score in the dataset, the corresponding bin.

tb_breaks <- tibble(breaks = breaks, labels = 0:k) |>
  group_by(breaks) |>
  slice_tail(n = 1) |>
# A tibble: 6 × 2
  breaks labels
   <dbl>  <int>
1  0.348      0
2  0.401      1
3  0.427      2
4  0.456      3
5  0.489      4
6  0.636      5

Let us add the corresponding bin in data_to_display and save the tibble in a new one called x_with_class.

x_with_class <- data_to_display |>
    score_bin = cut(
      breaks = tb_breaks$breaks,
      labels = tb_breaks$labels[-1],
      include.lowest = TRUE
# A tibble: 11,169 × 7
      obs   pred obs_labs pred_labs scores_conf   acc score_bin
    <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl> <dbl> <fct>    
 1  9500   9227.        2         2       0.480     1 4        
 2 14210  14481.        5         5       0.540     1 5        
 3 11314. 13481.        4         5       0.476     0 4        
 4  9838.  8553.        2         1       0.410     0 2        
 5  5294.  7132.        1         1       0.489     1 4        
 6  5042.  8035.        1         1       0.439     1 3        
 7  8684.  8708.        1         1       0.402     1 2        
 8  8167.  8931.        1         2       0.403     0 2        
 9  7647.  9946.        1         3       0.350     0 1        
10  5581.  7339.        1         1       0.478     1 4        
# ℹ 11,159 more rows

In each bin defined using the scores, we can compute the accuracy and the confidence:

ece_by_bin <- x_with_class |>  
  group_by(score_bin) |> 
    acc = mean(acc), 
    conf = mean(scores_conf), 
    nb = n()
# A tibble: 5 × 4
  score_bin   acc  conf    nb
  <fct>     <dbl> <dbl> <int>
1 1         0.358 0.381  2234
2 2         0.434 0.414  2234
3 3         0.477 0.442  2233
4 4         0.468 0.473  2234
5 5         0.581 0.526  2234

Lastly, we can compute the expected calibration error:

ece <- sum((ece_by_bin$nb / n_obs) * abs(ece_by_bin$acc - ece_by_bin$conf))
[1] 0.02768918

3.3 Helper Functions

For convenience, let us wrap the code from the illustrative example into some helper functions.

3.3.1 Quantile Binning

First, we are going to build a function that will:

  1. partition the interval \([0,1]\) into \(B\) bins, based on quantiles of the estimated prices, where each bin \(b\in[B]\) is associated with the set \(\mathcal{I}_b\) containing the indices of instances within that bin,
  2. assign to each observed and predicted values the corresponding bin it lies in, and also return the middle of value of the corresponding bin,
#' Partition predicted values into k bins
#' @param obs vector of observed values (y)
#' @param pred vector of predicted values (\hat{y})
#' @param k number of bins
#' @param partition_along which vector of values to use to partition 
#' (`"obs"` or `"pred`)
#' @returns a list with four elements:
#'  - `quantiles`: the empirical quantiles of the predicted values
#'  - `midpoints`: the midpoint of each bin
#'  - `dist_quantiles`: the width of each bin
#'  - `data_to_display`: a tibble with the observed and predicted values, as well
#'    as their predicted bins (`obs_labs` and `pred_labs`), and the middle of
#'    the bin (`dist`)
quantile_binning <- function(obs, 
                             partition_along = c("obs", "pred")
                             ) {
  if (partition_along == "obs") {
    # Define k bins on Y (quantile)
    quantiles <- quantile(obs, probs = (0:k) / k)
  } else {
    # Define k bins on \hat_{Y} (quantile)
    quantiles <- quantile(pred, probs = (0:k) / k)
  # Midpoints of those quantiles
  midpoints <- quantiles |> rollmean(quantiles, k = 2)
  midpoints <- midpoints[-length(midpoints)]
  # Distance between quantiles (length of each bin)
  dist_quantiles <- diff(quantiles) # to normalize deviation
  dist_q <- tibble(
    pred_labs = 1:length(dist_quantiles), 
    dist = dist_quantiles
  ) |> 
    mutate(pred_labs = pred_labs)
  # Change first and last values of quantiles (0% - 100%)
  quantiles[1] <- 0
  quantiles[length(quantiles)] <- Inf
  # Get true and predicted labels based on quantiles
  obs_labels <- cut(
    obs, breaks = quantiles, labels = 1:(length(quantiles) - 1)
  ) |> 
  pred_labels <- cut(
    pred, breaks = quantiles, labels = 1:(length(quantiles)-1)
  ) |> 
  data_to_display <- tibble(
    obs = obs,
    pred = pred,
    obs_labs = obs_labels, 
    pred_labs = pred_labels
  ) |>
    left_join(dist_q, by="pred_labs")
    quantiles = quantiles,
    midpoints = midpoints,
    dist_quantiles = dist_quantiles,
    data_to_display = data_to_display

Then, we define another function, compute_local_means(), that computes for each bin the average observed values \(E[Y|\hat{Y} \in [q_b ; q_{b+1}]]\) and the average predicted values \(E[\hat{Y}|\hat{Y} \in [q_b,q_{b+1}]]\).

#' Estimate `E[Y|\hat{Y} \in [q_k ; q_{k+1}]]` related to
#' `E[\hat{Y}|\hat{Y} \in [q_k,q_{k+1}]]`.
#' @param obs vector of observed values (y)
#' @param pred vector of predicted values (\hat{y})
#' @param midpoints midpoints of all the bins
compute_local_means <- function(obs, 
                                midpoints) {
  local_means <- data_to_display |> 
    group_by(pred_labs) |> 
      obs_mean = mean(obs),
      pred_mean = mean(pred),
      nb = n(),
      dist = min(dist)
    ) |>
    mutate(midpoints = midpoints) |>
    mutate(diff = obs_mean - pred_mean)

3.3.2 Expected Calibration Error

First, we need to define a function, distance(), that returns the Euclidean distance between two points in in \(\mathcal{R}\).

distance <- function(a, b) {
  return(abs(a - b))

Second, we define a function to compute the distance between a data point an a midpoint. The distance between quantiles is normalized to 1.

#' Calculates distance between a data point and a midpoint by normalizing to 1
#' distance between quantiles
#' @param x observation
#' @param x_class assigned bin class
#' @param midpoint midpoint midpoints of the bin of interest
#' @param midpoints midpoints of all the bins
#' @param quantiles quantile defining the bins
#' @param dist_quantiles length of each bin
distance_metric <- function(x, 
                            ) {
  midpoint_class <- which(midpoints == midpoint)
  if (x_class == midpoint_class){
    return(distance(x, midpoint) / dist_quantiles[x_class])
  } else if (x_class > midpoint_class){
    diff_class <- x_class - midpoint_class
    dist <- rep(NA, 2)
    # First and last distance values
    dist[1] <- 0.5
    dist[length(dist)] <- 
      distance(quantiles[x_class], x) / dist_quantiles[x_class]
    dist <- sum(dist)
    if (diff_class > 1) {
      dist <- dist + (diff_class - 1)
  } else {
    diff_class <- midpoint_class - x_class
    dist <- rep(NA, 2)
    # First and last distance values
    dist[1] <- 
      distance(quantiles[x_class + 1], x) / dist_quantiles[x_class]
    dist[length(dist)] <- 0.5
    dist <- sum(dist)
    if (diff_class > 1) {
      dist <- dist + (diff_class - 1)

Lastly, we need a function to compute the Expected Calibration Error.

#' Function to calculate ECE
#' @param obs vector of observed values (y)
#' @param pred vector of predicted values (\hat{y})
#' @param k number of bins
calculate_ece <- function(obs, 
                          k) {
  n_obs <- length(obs)
  # Quantile binning
  q_binning <- quantile_binning(
    obs = obs, pred = pred, k = k, partition_along = "obs"
  data_to_display <- q_binning$data_to_display
  quantiles <- q_binning$quantiles
  midpoints <- q_binning$midpoints
  dist_quantiles <- q_binning$dist_quantiles
  # Distance between predicted price and each midpoint of the bins
  dist_y_hat <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = n_obs, ncol = length(midpoints))
  for (i in 1:n_obs) {
    for (j in 1:length(midpoints)) {
      dist_y_hat[i,j] <- distance_metric(
        x = data_to_display$pred[i], 
        x_class = data_to_display$pred_labs[i], 
        midpoint = midpoints[j],
        midpoints = midpoints,
        quantiles = quantiles,
        dist_quantiles = dist_quantiles
  # Softmax applied on the distances: get the scores
  confidence_scores <- LDATS::softmax(-dist_y_hat)
  # Predicted labels
  predicted_labels <- ramify::argmax(confidence_scores)
  # Max score for each observation: confidence
  max_confidence_scores <- apply(confidence_scores, 1, max)
  data_to_display <- data_to_display |>  
    mutate(scores_conf = max_confidence_scores)
  # Accuracy
  data_to_display <- data_to_display |> 
    mutate(acc = if_else(obs_labs == pred_labs, 1, 0))
  # ECE
  # new bins based on scores
  breaks <- quantile(data_to_display$scores_conf, probs = (0:k) / k)
  tb_breaks <- tibble(breaks = breaks, labels = 0:k) |>
    group_by(breaks) |>
    slice_tail(n = 1) |>
  x_with_class <- data_to_display |>
      score_bin = cut(
        breaks = tb_breaks$breaks,
        labels = tb_breaks$labels[-1],
        include.lowest = TRUE
  # Accuracy and Confidence in each bin
  ece_by_bin <- x_with_class |>  
    group_by(score_bin) |> 
      acc = mean(acc), 
      conf = mean(scores_conf), 
      nb = n()
  ece <- sum((ece_by_bin$nb / n_obs) * abs(ece_by_bin$acc - ece_by_bin$conf))

3.4 Whole Dataset

Let us apply the quantile_binning() function to split the data into bins and compute the average of observed prices and predicted prices in each bin.

Let us make the number of bins vary so that we consider in turn 3, 5, and 10 bins.

k_values <- c(3, 5, 10)

We initiate empty objects that will contain the estimated means of observed and predicted prices in each bin.

data_to_display <- local_means <- ece_values <- 
  vector(mode = "list", length(k_values))

We can the loop over the different values for the number of bins to consider:

for (i in 1:length(k_values)) {
  k <- k_values[i]
  obs <- data_clean_all$pm2
  pred <- data_clean_all$pm2_estimated
  res_q <- quantile_binning(
    obs = obs, pred = pred, k = k, partition_along = "pred"
  data_to_display[[i]] <- res_q$data_to_display |> mutate(k = !!k)
  # For calibration curve
  local_means_current <- compute_local_means(
    obs = obs, pred = pred, 
    data_to_display = res_q$data_to_display, 
    midpoints = res_q$midpoints
  local_means[[i]] <- local_means_current |> mutate(k = !!k)
  # Calculate ECE
  ece_current <- calculate_ece(
    obs = obs, 
    pred = pred,
    k = k
  ece_values[[i]] <- ece_current

Let us bind the tibbles into a single one:

data_to_display <- list_rbind(data_to_display) |> as_tibble()
local_means <- list_rbind(local_means) |> as_tibble()

Now, let us visualize the calibration of the price model for the different number of bins that we envisaged. To do so, we loop over the different values for the number of bins and create a calibration graph in each case.

Let us define some colors:

colours <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(10, "Paired")
names(colours) <- seq_len(max(10))

Then we prepare the plots:

plots <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(k_values))
for (i in 1:length(k_values)) {
  k <- k_values[i]
  data_to_display_k <- data_to_display |> filter(k == !!k)
  local_means_k <- local_means |> filter(k == !!k)
  x_lim <- c(-500, 25000)
  y_lim_bar <- range(local_means$diff)
  y_lim_bar[1] <- round(y_lim_bar[1]) - 100
  y_lim_bar[2] <- round(y_lim_bar[2]) + 100
  scatter_plot <- ggplot() + 
    # All prices
      data = data_to_display_k |> 
        mutate(pred_labs = factor(pred_labs)), 
      mapping = aes(
        x = pred, y = obs, 
        color = pred_labs
      alpha = 0.3
    ) +
    scale_colour_manual(values = colours[1:k]) +
    # Mean point in each bin
      data = local_means_k, 
      mapping = aes(x = pred_mean, y = obs_mean)
    ) +
    # in thousand Euros
      x = "Estimated square meter prices",
      y = "Observed square meter prices"
    ) +
      labels = scales::label_comma(scale = 1/1000), limits = x_lim
    ) +
      labels = scales::label_comma(scale = 1/1000), limits = x_lim
    ) +
    geom_abline(color="black", alpha = 0.5) + 
    guides(color = "none") + 
  bar_plot <- ggplot(
    data = local_means_k,
    mapping = aes(x = pred_mean, y = diff, fill = factor(pred_labs))
  ) +
    geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
      mapping = aes(
        x = min(pred_mean), 
        y = 0, 
        xend = max(pred_mean),
        yend = 0),
      colour = "black",
      alpha = 0.1,
      linewidth = .1
    ) +
    scale_fill_manual(values = colours[1:k]) +
      labels = scales::label_comma(scale = 1/1000), limits = x_lim
    ) +
      labels = scales::label_comma(scale = 1/1000), limits = y_lim_bar
    ) +
    guides(fill = "none") + 
    # in thousand Euros
    labs(x = NULL, y = "Difference") +
    global_theme() +
      panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
      axis.text.x = element_blank(), 
      axis.ticks.x = element_blank()
  title_plot <- 
    ggplot() + 
    labs(title = str_c(k, " bins\n (ECE: ", round(ece_values[[i]],3), ")")) + 
  plots[[i]] <- 
      title_plot = title_plot,
      scatter_plot = scatter_plot,
      bar_plot = bar_plot

We can then display the calibration plots. The left panel in Figure 3.4 shows the calibration when considering 3 bins, the panel in the middle is when the number of bins is 5 and the one on the right is when the number of bins is 10.

Display the codes used to create the Figure.
  ncol = 3,
  rel_heights = c(1, 10, 2),
  align = "v"
Figure 3.4: Calibration on the whole dataset estimated using different number of bins. Prices are in thousand Euros.

3.5 Comparison With a Single Arrondissement

Let us now consider 5 bins, and contrast three situations for the calibration of the model:

  1. using the whole dataset as previously,
  2. using the whole dataset but with prices estimated randomly drawn,
  3. focusing on a single arrondissement.
# Number of desired bins
k <- 5

# Init. result object
data_to_display <- local_means <- ece_values <- 
  vector(mode = "list", 3)

3.5.1 On the Whole Dataset

obs <- data_clean_all$pm2
pred <- data_clean_all$pm2_estimated

res_q <- quantile_binning(
  obs = obs, pred = pred, k = k, partition_along = "pred"
data_to_display[[1]] <- res_q$data_to_display |> mutate(type = "Whole dataset")
local_means_current <- compute_local_means(
    obs = obs, 
    pred = pred,
    data_to_display = res_q$data_to_display, 
    midpoints = res_q$midpoints
local_means[[1]] <- local_means_current |> mutate(type = "Whole dataset")

ece_current <- calculate_ece(
    obs = obs, 
    pred = pred,
    k = k
ece_values[[1]] <- ece_current

3.5.2 Random Model

We will draw the values for \(\hat{y}\) on a \(\mathcal{U}[\underline{Y}, \overline{Y}]\), where \(\underline{Y}\) represents the minimum of the observed prices and \(\overline{Y}\) represents the maximum of the observed prices.

n <- nrow(data_clean_all)
y_lim <- c(min(data_clean_all$pm2), max(data_clean_all$pm2))
# Draw n values from a U[min(Y), max(Y)]
obs <- data_clean_all$pm2
pred <- runif(n, y_lim[1], y_lim[2])
res_q <- quantile_binning(
  obs = obs, pred = pred, k = k, partition_along = "pred"
data_to_display[[2]] <- res_q$data_to_display |> mutate(type = "Random Model")
local_means_current <- compute_local_means(
  obs = obs, 
  pred = pred,
  data_to_display = res_q$data_to_display, 
  midpoints = res_q$midpoints
local_means[[2]] <- local_means_current |> mutate(type = "Random Model")

ece_current <- calculate_ece(
    obs = obs, 
    pred = pred,
    k = k
ece_values[[2]] <- ece_current

3.5.3 7th Arrondissement

Let us focus on the 7th arrondissement. We first need to know which IRIS codes are in the th arrondissement. To do so, we can simply use the NOM_COM variable in the dataset.

data_7th <- 
  data_clean_all |> 
  filter(NOM_COM == "Paris 7e Arrondissement")
[1] 327

Let us compute the average values of observed and predicted prices in each bins defined using the 5 quantiles of the observed prices in the 7th arrondissement.

obs <- data_7th$pm2
pred <- data_7th$pm2_estimated
res_q <- quantile_binning(
  obs = obs, pred = pred, k = k, partition_along = "pred"
data_to_display[[3]] <- res_q$data_to_display |> 
  mutate(type = "7th arrondissement")
local_means_current <- compute_local_means(
  obs = obs, 
  pred = pred,
  data_to_display = res_q$data_to_display, 
  midpoints = res_q$midpoints
local_means[[3]] <- local_means_current |> mutate(type = "7th arrondissement")

ece_current <- calculate_ece(
    obs = obs, 
    pred = pred,
    k = k
ece_values[[3]] <- ece_current

3.5.4 Visualizing the Calibration for the 3 Cases

Now, we can create the calibration plot in each of the three situations, and plot the result.

plots_compar <- vector(mode = "list", length = 3)
for (i in 1:3) {
  data_to_display_curr <- data_to_display[[i]]
  local_means_curr <- local_means[[i]]
  x_lim <- c(0, max(data_clean_all$pm2))
  if (data_to_display_curr$type[1] == "Random Model") {
    y_lim_bar <- range(local_means_curr$diff)
  } else {
    y_lim_bar <- map(local_means[c(1,3)], "diff") |> 
      map(range) |> 
      unlist() |> 
  y_lim_bar[1] <- round(y_lim_bar[1]) - 100
  y_lim_bar[2] <- round(y_lim_bar[2]) + 100 
  scatter_plot <- ggplot() + 
    # All prices
      data = data_to_display_curr |> 
        mutate(pred_labs = factor(pred_labs)), 
      mapping = aes(
        x = pred, y = obs, 
        color = pred_labs
      alpha = 0.3
    ) +
    scale_colour_manual(values = colours) +
    # Mean point in each bin
      data = local_means_curr, 
      mapping = aes(x = pred_mean, y = obs_mean)
    ) +
    # in thousand Euros
      x = "Estimated square meter prices",
      y = "Observed square meter prices"
    ) +
      labels = scales::label_comma(scale = 1/1000), limits = x_lim
    ) +
      labels = scales::label_comma(scale = 1/1000), limits = x_lim
    ) +
    geom_abline(color="black", alpha = 0.5) + 
    guides(color = "none") + 
  bar_plot <- ggplot(
    data = local_means_curr,
    mapping = aes(x = pred_mean, y = diff, fill = factor(pred_labs))
  ) +
    geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
      mapping = aes(
        x = min(pred_mean), 
        y = 0, 
        xend = max(pred_mean),
        yend = 0),
      colour = "black",
      alpha = 0.1,
      linewidth = .1
    ) +
    scale_fill_manual(values = colours[1:k]) +
      labels = scales::label_comma(scale = 1/1000), limits = x_lim
    ) +
      labels = scales::label_comma(scale = 1/1000), limits = y_lim_bar
    ) +
    guides(fill = "none") + 
    # in thousand Euros
    labs(x = NULL, y = "Difference") +
    global_theme() +
      panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
      axis.text.x = element_blank(), 
      axis.ticks.x = element_blank()
  title <- str_c(
    unique(data_to_display_curr$type), "\n (ECE:", round(ece_values[[i]], 3), ")"
  title_plot <- 
    ggplot() + 
    labs(title = title) + 
  plots_compar[[i]] <- 
      title_plot = title_plot,
      scatter_plot = scatter_plot,
      bar_plot = bar_plot

The results are shown in Figure 3.5, with the calibration estimated on the whole dataset on the left panel, the calibration estimated when the estimated prices are randomly drawn in the middle panel, and the calibration estimated on the subset of observations corresponding to the 7th arrondissement only.

Display the codes used to create the Figure.
  ncol = 3,
  rel_heights = c(1, 10, 2),
  align = "v"
Figure 3.5: Calibration on the whole dataset (left), on the observation from the 7th mph{arrondissement} only (right) and on randomly drawn values (middle); bins defined using quintiles. Prices are in thousand Euros.

3.6 ECE in each Arrondissement

Let us compute the ECE in each arrondissement.

For convenience, let us wrap the code from Section 3.5.3 in a function, so that we can compute the ECE for a given arrondissement.

#' Computes ECE for a single arrondissement, depending on the neighbors distance
#' @param arrond name od the arrondissement
#' @param k number of neighbors to consider
#' @param obs_name name of the variable with observed values in the data
#' @param pred_name name of the variable with predicted values in the data
#' @param data dataset to use
compute_ece_arrondissement <- function(arrond, 
                                       obs_name = "pm2", 
                                       pred_name = "pm2_estimated",
                                       data) {
  data_current <- data |> filter(NOM_COM == !!arrond)
  obs <- data_current |> pull(!!obs_name)
  pred <- data_current |> pull(!!pred_name)
  ece <- calculate_ece(
    obs = obs, 
    pred = pred,
    k = k

We just need to loop over the names of the different arrondissements to calculate the expected calibration errors.

name_arronds <- unique(data_clean_all$NOM_COM)
name_arronds <- name_arronds[!is.na(name_arronds)]
ece_arrond <- map_dbl(
  .x = name_arronds,
  .f = ~compute_ece_arrondissement(
    arrond = .x, 
    k = 5, 
    obs_name = "pm2", 
    pred_name = "pm2_estimated",
    data = data_clean_all

Let us put the values in a tibble:

ece_arrond_tb <- tibble(
  arrondissement = name_arronds,
  ece = ece_arrond
) |> 
    arrondissement = factor(
      levels = str_c(
        "Paris ", 1:20, "e", c("r", rep("", 19)), " Arrondissement")
  ) |> 

We can save this for later use (in Section 4.5 in Chapter 4).

save(ece_arrond_tb, file = "../data/ece_arrond_tb.rda")

The values are reported in Table 3.1.

Display the codes used to create the Table
    booktabs = TRUE, digits = 3,
    col.names = c("Arrondissement", "ECE")
Table 3.1: Expected Calibration Error per Arrondissement.
Arrondissement ECE
Paris 1er Arrondissement 0.188
Paris 2e Arrondissement 0.097
Paris 3e Arrondissement 0.126
Paris 4e Arrondissement 0.116
Paris 5e Arrondissement 0.131
Paris 6e Arrondissement 0.126
Paris 7e Arrondissement 0.170
Paris 8e Arrondissement 0.157
Paris 9e Arrondissement 0.120
Paris 10e Arrondissement 0.132
Paris 11e Arrondissement 0.136
Paris 12e Arrondissement 0.102
Paris 13e Arrondissement 0.052
Paris 14e Arrondissement 0.089
Paris 15e Arrondissement 0.072
Paris 16e Arrondissement 0.055
Paris 17e Arrondissement 0.096
Paris 18e Arrondissement 0.029
Paris 19e Arrondissement 0.078
Paris 20e Arrondissement 0.088

3.7 Focus on Montmartre and Champs-de-Mars

Let us now focus on two IRIS: Montmartre and Champs-de-Mars. We will compute the ECE for these two IRIS, varying the number of neighbors used to aggregate data.

In Section 2.3 from Chapter 2, we computed the minimum distance from one iris to another, considering distances up to 30. We will also need this information.

neighbours_all <- read_csv('../data/neighbours/all_neighbours_paris.csv')

Let us define a function, compute_ece_iris_neighbors() that computes the ECE for a given IRIS code, using the neighborhood up to a certain degree.

#' Computes ECE for a single IRIS, depending on the neighbors distance
#' @param iris_code IRIS identifier
#' @param k number of bins
#' @param num_neigh distance of neighbors to include
#' @param obs_name name of the variable with observed values in the data
#' @param pred_name name of the variable with predicted values in the data
#' @param data dataset to use
compute_ece_iris_neighbors <- function(iris_code, 
                                       obs_name = "pm2", 
                                       pred_name = "pm2_estimated",
                                       neighbors_dist) {
  want_iris <- 
    neighbors_dist |> 
    filter(from_iris == iris_code) |> 
    filter(distance <= num_neigh) |> 
    pull(to_iris) |> 
  data_current <- data |> filter(CODE_IRIS %in% !!want_iris)
  obs <- data_current |> pull(!!obs_name)
  pred <- data_current |> pull(!!pred_name)
  ece <- calculate_ece(
    obs = obs, 
    pred = pred,
    k = k

Let us apply this function to Montmartre and Champs-de-Mars, and let us make the maximum distance of neighbors to include vary from 1 to 9 in steps of 1. For Montmartre:

ece_montmartre_neigh <- map_dbl(
  .x = 1:9,
  .f = ~compute_ece_iris_neighbors(
    iris_code = "751093503", 
    k = 5,
    num_neigh = .x, 
    obs_name = "pm2",
    pred_name = "pm2_estimated", 
    data = data_clean_all, 
    neighbors_dist = neighbours_all

And for Champs-de-Mars:

ece_champ_neigh <- map_dbl(
  .x = 1:9,
  .f = ~compute_ece_iris_neighbors(
    iris_code = "751072812", 
    k = 5,
    num_neigh = .x, 
    obs_name = "pm2",
    pred_name = "pm2_estimated", 
    data = data_clean_all, 
    neighbors_dist = neighbours_all

Let us put the results into two tibbles:

ece_neighbours_montmartre <- tibble(
  neighbours = 1:9,
  ece = ece_montmartre_neigh,
  iris_name = "Montmartre"

ece_neighbours_mars <- tibble(
  neighbours = 1:9,
  ece = ece_champ_neigh,
  iris_name = "Champs-de-Mars"

And save the results for later use (in Section 4.4 in Chapter 4).

save(ece_neighbours_montmartre, file = "../data/ece_neighbours_montmartre.rda")
save(ece_neighbours_mars, file = "../data/ece_neighbours_mars.rda")

The values are reported in Table 3.2.

Display the codes used to create the Table
ece_neighbours_montmartre |> 
  bind_rows(ece_neighbours_mars) |> 
  pivot_wider(names_from = iris_name, values_from = ece) |> 
  rename(Neighbors = neighbours) |> 
    booktabs = TRUE, digit = 3
Table 3.2: Expected Calibration Error in Montmartre and Champs-de-Mars depending on the number of neighbors considered to compute the metric.
Neighbors Montmartre Champs-de-Mars
1 0.190 0.159
2 0.132 0.077
3 0.129 0.047
4 0.065 0.038
5 0.026 0.029
6 0.029 0.033
7 0.025 0.026
8 0.035 0.029
9 0.044 0.025