In this chapter, we generate a dataset consisting of an outcome variable \(Y \in \{0,1\}\), two covariates \(\boldsymbol{X} = (X_1, X_2)\), and a sensitive attribute \(S \in \{0,1\}\). The two covariates are independently distributed. We then explore different causal assumptions: the correct assumption, a first incorrect assumption where \(X_1\) causes \(X_2\), and a second incorrect assumption where \(X_2\) causes \(X_1\). We then build various types of counterfactuals: (i) naive counterfactuals, where the sensitive attribute for individuals in the protected group (\(S=0\)) is changed to \(S=1\) while all other characteristics remain unchanged (ceteris paribus), (ii) multivariate optimal transport, and (iii) sequential transport under the three causal assumptions. The consequences of these assumptions are then examined on an individual basis, and then over the entire protected group.
We load our small package to have access to the sequential tranposort function, as well as the function used to generate tikz pictures for causal graphs.
Loading required package: usethis
ℹ Loading seqtransfairness
Let \(S\in\{0,1\}\) be the sensitive attribute.
We generate two variables:
\((X_1|S=0)\sim\mathcal{U}(0,1)\) and \((X_1|S=1)\sim\mathcal{U}(1,2)\)
\((X_2|S=0)\sim\mathcal{U}(0,1)\) and \((X_2|S=1)\sim\mathcal{U}(1,2)\).
These variables are independent from one another.
set.seed(123) # set the seed for reproductible resultsn <-500# group s = 0X1_0 <-runif(n, 0, 1)X2_0 <-runif(n, 0, 1)# group s = 1X1_1 <-runif(n, 1, 2)X2_1 <-runif(n, 1, 2)
We simulate a binary response variable with a logistic model depending on covariates \(S(\boldsymbol{X})\).
Let us build an array with the values of the counterfactuals (for both groups here, even if we will only use the counterfactuals for group \(S=0\) only).
Rows: 1001 Columns: 2
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","
dbl (2): X1, X2
ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
We make “Predictions” by the hypothetical model for the new point, given the characteristics \(x_1\) and \(x_2\) contained in coords_indep, setting \(s=0\).
Then, we can plot all this information on a graph. The arrows show the path from the new individual to its counterfactual assuming the two different causal relationships. The red square shows the value obtained with multivariate optimal transport.
# Colour scale from colour of class 0 to class 1colfunc <-colorRampPalette(c(colours["0"], colours["1"]))scl <- scales::alpha(colfunc(9),.9)par(mar =c(2, 2, 0, 0))# Group 0## Estimated density: level curves for (x1, x2) -> m(0, x1, x2)CeX <-1contour( f0_2d$eval.point[[1]], f0_2d$eval.point[[2]], f0_2d$estimate,col = scales::alpha(colours["A"], .3),axes =FALSE, xlab ="", ylab ="",xlim =c(-1, 3), ylim =c(-1, 3))# Group 1## Estimated density: level curves for (x1, x2) -> m(1, x1, x2)contour( f1_2d$eval.point[[1]], f1_2d$eval.point[[2]], f1_2d$estimate,col = scales::alpha(colours["B"], .3), add =TRUE)contour( vx0, vx0, dlogistique0,levels =seq(0.05, 0.95, by =0.05),col = scl,add =TRUE,lwd =2)axis(1)axis(2)#### Individual (S=0, x1=.5, x2=.5)###points(coords_indep$start[1], coords_indep$start[2], pch =19, cex = CeX, col ="darkblue")## Predicted value for the individual, based on factualstext( coords_indep$start[1], coords_indep$start[2], paste(round(predicted_val[2] *100, 1), "%", sep =""), pos =1, cex = CeX, col ="darkblue")
Figure 5.6: In the background, level curves for \((x_1,x_2)\mapsto m(0,x_1,x_2)\). The blue point corresponds to the individual \((s,x_1,x_2)=(s=0,.5,.5)\) (predicted 62.2% by model \(m\)).
colour_start <-"darkblue"colour_correct <-"#CC79A7"colour_inc_x1_then_x2 <-"darkgray"colour_inc_x2_then_x1 <-"#56B4E9"colour_ot <-"#C93312"colour_naive <-"#000000"CeX <-1par(mar =c(2, 2, 0, 0))# Group 0## Estimated density: level curves for (x1, x2) -> m(0, x1, x2)contour( f0_2d$eval.point[[1]], f0_2d$eval.point[[2]], f0_2d$estimate,col = scales::alpha(colours["A"], .3),axes =FALSE, xlab ="", ylab ="",xlim =c(-1, 3), ylim =c(-1, 3))# Group 1## Estimated density: level curves for (x1, x2) -> m(1, x1, x2)contour( f1_2d$eval.point[[1]], f1_2d$eval.point[[2]], f1_2d$estimate,col = scales::alpha(colours["B"], .3), add =TRUE)# Contour of estimates by the model for s=1contour( vx0, vx0, dlogistique1,levels =seq(0.05, 0.95, by =0.05),col = scl, lwd=2,add =TRUE)axis(1)axis(2)#### Individual (s=0, x1=-2, x2=-1)###points( coords_indep$start[1], coords_indep$start[2], pch =19, cex = CeX, col = colour_start)## Predicted value for the individual, based on factualstext( coords_indep$start[1], coords_indep$start[2], paste(round(predicted_val["start"] *100, 1), "%", sep =""),pos =1, cex = CeX, col = colour_start)#### Transported individual using correct DAG###points( coords_indep$correct[1], coords_indep$correct[2],pch =19, cex = CeX, col = colour_correct)text( coords_indep$correct[1]-0.1, coords_indep$correct[2]+0.15,paste(round(predicted_val[["correct"]]*100,1),"%",sep=""),pos =4, cex = CeX, col = colour_correct)segments(x0 = coords_indep$start[1], y0 = coords_indep$start[2],x1 = coords_indep$correct_interm_x2[1], y1 = coords_indep$correct_interm_x2[2],lwd = .8, col = colour_correct)segments(x0 = coords_indep$correct_interm_x2[1], y0 = coords_indep$correct_interm_x2[2],x1 = coords_indep$correct[1], y1 = coords_indep$correct[2],lwd = .8, col = colour_correct)## Intermediate pointpoints( coords_indep$correct_interm_x2[1], coords_indep$correct_interm_x2[2],pch =19, col ="white", cex = CeX)points( coords_indep$correct_interm_x2[1], coords_indep$correct_interm_x2[2],pch =1, cex = CeX, col = colour_correct)#### Transported individual assuming X2 depends on X1###points( coords_indep$inc_x1_then_x2[1], coords_indep$inc_x1_then_x2[2],pch=19,cex=CeX, col = colour_inc_x1_then_x2)segments(x0 = coords_indep$start[1], y0 = coords_indep$start[2],x1 = coords_indep$inc_x1_then_x2[1], y1 = coords_indep$inc_x1_then_x2_interm_x2[2],lwd = .8, col = colour_inc_x1_then_x2)segments(x0 = coords_indep$inc_x1_then_x2[1], y0 = coords_indep$inc_x1_then_x2_interm_x2[2],x1 = coords_indep$inc_x1_then_x2[1], y1 = coords_indep$inc_x1_then_x2[2],lwd = .8, col = colour_inc_x1_then_x2)## Intermediate pointpoints( coords_indep$inc_x1_then_x2[1], coords_indep$inc_x1_then_x2_interm_x2[2],pch =19, col ="white", cex = CeX)points( coords_indep$inc_x1_then_x2[1], coords_indep$inc_x1_then_x2_interm_x2[2],pch =1, cex = CeX, col = colour_inc_x1_then_x2)## New predicted valuetext( coords_indep$inc_x1_then_x2[1]+0.6, coords_indep$inc_x1_then_x2[2],paste(round(predicted_val[["inc_x1_then_x2"]]*100,1),"%",sep=""),pos =2, cex = CeX, col = colour_inc_x1_then_x2)#### Transported individual assuming X1 depends on X2###points( coords_indep$inc_x2_then_x1[1], coords_indep$inc_x2_then_x1[2],pch=19,cex=CeX, col = colour_inc_x2_then_x1)segments(x0 = coords_indep$start[1], y0 = coords_indep$start[2],x1 = coords_indep$inc_x2_then_x1_interm_x1[1], y1 = coords_indep$inc_x2_then_x1[2],lwd = .8, col = colour_inc_x2_then_x1)segments(x0 = coords_indep$inc_x2_then_x1_interm_x1[1], y0 = coords_indep$inc_x2_then_x1[2],x1 = coords_indep$inc_x2_then_x1[1], y1 = coords_indep$inc_x2_then_x1[2],lwd = .8, col = colour_inc_x2_then_x1)## Intermediate pointpoints( coords_indep$inc_x2_then_x1_interm_x1[1], coords_indep$inc_x2_then_x1[2],pch =19, col ="white", cex = CeX)points( coords_indep$inc_x2_then_x1_interm_x1[1], coords_indep$inc_x2_then_x1[2],pch =1, cex = CeX, col = colour_inc_x2_then_x1)## New predicted valuetext( coords_indep$inc_x2_then_x1[1]+0.3, coords_indep$inc_x2_then_x1[2]-0.1,paste(round(predicted_val[["inc_x2_then_x1"]]*100,1),"%",sep=""),pos =3, cex = CeX, col = colour_inc_x2_then_x1)#### Transported individual with multivariate optimal transport###points( coords_indep$ot[1], coords_indep$ot[2],pch=15,cex=CeX, col = colour_ot)segments(x0 = coords_indep$start[1], y0 = coords_indep$start[2],x1 = coords_indep$ot[1], y1 = coords_indep$ot[2],lwd = .8, col = colour_ot, lty =2)## New predicted valuetext( coords_indep$ot[1]-0.1, coords_indep$ot[2]+0.1,paste(round(predicted_val[["ot"]] *100, 1), "%", sep =""),pos =4, cex = CeX, col = colour_ot)#### New predicted value for (do(s=1), x1, x2), no transport###ry <- = coords_indep$start[1] - .9*ry *sqrt(2), y = coords_indep$start[2] - .9*ry *sqrt(2),radius = ry *sqrt(2), border = colour_naive)text( coords_indep$start[1], coords_indep$start[2],paste(round(predicted_val["naive"] *100, 1), "%", sep =""),pos =3, cex = CeX, col = colour_naive)legend("topleft",legend =c("Start point","Naive","Multivariate optimal transport","Seq. T.: Correct DAG", latex2exp::TeX("Seq. T.: Assuming $X_1 \\rightarrow X_2$"), latex2exp::TeX("Seq. T.: Assuming $X_2 \\rightarrow X_1$") ),col =c( colour_start, colour_naive, colour_ot, colour_correct, colour_inc_x1_then_x2, colour_inc_x2_then_x1 ),pch =c(19, 19, 15, 19, 19, 19),lty =c(NA, NA, 2, 1, 1, 1), bty ="n")
Figure 5.7: In the background, level curves for\(m(1,x_1,x_2)\). The dark blue dot represents an individual \((s,x_1,x_2)=(s=0, 0.5, 0.5)\) (predicted 62.2% by model \(m\), and 81.8% if \(s\) is set to 1 leaving \(x_1\) and \(x_2\) unchanged). The other dots represent counterfactuals \((s=1,x_1^\star,x_2^\star)\) according to the assumed causal graph where \(x_1\) and \(x_2\) are independent (correct DAG, predicted 92.5%), \(x_2\) depends on \(x_1\) (bottom right path, predicted 91.4%), \(x_1\) depends on \(x_2\) (top left path, predicted 92.9%). The red square shows the counterfactual obtained with optimal transport (with a predicted value by model \(m\) at 90.4%).
Let us now consider all the points from \(S=0\) and not a single one.
We estimate the densities of \((T(X_1), T(X_2))\) in each of the four configurations. We can then plot these estimated densities on top of those previously estimated on \((X_1, X_2)\) using the factuals.
We define a table with the counterfactuals obtained with multivariate optimal transport on the subgroup of \(S=0\):
tb_transpoort_ot <- counterfactuals_ot |>slice(1:nrow(D_SXY)) |># remove last observation: this is the new pointmutate(S = D_SXY$S) |>filter(S ==0) |>select(-S)
Codes to create the Figure.
H1_OT <-Hpi(tb_transpoort_ot)H1_indep_correct <-Hpi(as_tibble(trans_indep_correct$transported))H1_indep_inc_x1_then_x2 <-Hpi(as_tibble(trans_indep_inc_x1_then_x2$transported))H1_indep_inc_x2_then_x1 <-Hpi(as_tibble(trans_indep_inc_x2_then_x1$transported))f1_2d_OT <-kde(tb_transpoort_ot, H = H1_OT, xmin =c(-5, -5), xmax =c(5, 5))f1_2d_indep_correct <-kde(as_tibble(trans_indep_correct$transported), H = H1_indep_correct, xmin =c(-5, -5), xmax =c(5, 5))f1_2d_indep_inc_x1_then_x2 <-kde(as_tibble(trans_indep_inc_x1_then_x2$transported), H = H1_indep_inc_x1_then_x2, xmin =c(-5, -5), xmax =c(5, 5))f1_2d_indep_inc_x2_then_x1 <-kde(as_tibble(trans_indep_inc_x2_then_x1$transported), H = H1_indep_inc_x2_then_x1, xmin =c(-5, -5), xmax =c(5, 5))x_lim <-c(-.5, 2.5)y_lim <-c(-.25, 3)# Plotting densitiespar(mar =c(2,2,0,0), mfrow =c(2,2))# Group S=0contour( f0_2d$eval.point[[1]], f0_2d$eval.point[[2]], f0_2d$estimate, col = colours["A"], axes =FALSE, xlab ="", ylab ="", xlim = x_lim, ylim = y_lim)axis(1)axis(2)# Group S=1contour( f1_2d$eval.point[[1]], f1_2d$eval.point[[2]], f1_2d$estimate, col = colours["B"], add =TRUE)# Group S=1, Optimal transportcontour( f1_2d_OT$eval.point[[1]], f1_2d_OT$eval.point[[2]], f1_2d_OT$estimate, col = colour_ot, add =TRUE)legend("topleft", legend =c("Obs S=0", "Obs S=1", "OT"),lty=1,col =c(colours["A"], colours["B"], colour_ot), bty="n")# Group S=1, Sequential transport, correct DAG# par(mar = c(2,2,0,0))# Group S=0contour( f0_2d$eval.point[[1]], f0_2d$eval.point[[2]], f0_2d$estimate, col = colours["A"], axes =FALSE, xlab ="", ylab ="",xlim = x_lim, ylim = y_lim)axis(1)axis(2)# Group S=1contour( f1_2d$eval.point[[1]], f1_2d$eval.point[[2]], f1_2d$estimate, col = colours["B"], add =TRUE)contour( f1_2d_indep_correct$eval.point[[1]], f1_2d_indep_correct$eval.point[[2]], f1_2d_indep_correct$estimate, col = colour_correct, add =TRUE)legend("topleft", legend =c("Obs S=0", "Obs S=1", "Seq. T: Correct DAG"),lty=1,col =c(colours["A"], colours["B"], colour_correct), bty="n")# Group S=1, Sequential transport, Wrong DAG: assuming X2 depends on X1# par(mar = c(2,2,0,0))# Group S=0contour( f0_2d$eval.point[[1]], f0_2d$eval.point[[2]], f0_2d$estimate, col = colours["A"], axes =FALSE, xlab ="", ylab ="",xlim = x_lim, ylim = y_lim)axis(1)axis(2)# Group S=1contour( f1_2d$eval.point[[1]], f1_2d$eval.point[[2]], f1_2d$estimate, col = colours["B"], add =TRUE)contour( f1_2d_indep_inc_x1_then_x2$eval.point[[1]], f1_2d_indep_inc_x1_then_x2$eval.point[[2]], f1_2d_indep_inc_x1_then_x2$estimate, col = colour_inc_x1_then_x2, add =TRUE)legend("topleft", legend =c("Obs S=0", "Obs S=1", latex2exp::TeX("Seq. T.: Assuming $X_1 \\rightarrow X_2$") ),lty=1,col =c(colours["A"], colours["B"], colour_inc_x1_then_x2), bty="n")# Group S=1, Sequential transport, Wrong DAG: assuming X1 depends on X2# par(mar = c(2,2,0,0))# Group S=0contour( f0_2d$eval.point[[1]], f0_2d$eval.point[[2]], f0_2d$estimate, col = colours["A"], axes =FALSE, xlab ="", ylab ="",xlim = x_lim, ylim = y_lim)axis(1)axis(2)# Group S=1contour( f1_2d$eval.point[[1]], f1_2d$eval.point[[2]], f1_2d$estimate, col = colours["B"], add =TRUE)contour( f1_2d_indep_inc_x2_then_x1$eval.point[[1]], f1_2d_indep_inc_x2_then_x1$eval.point[[2]], f1_2d_indep_inc_x2_then_x1$estimate, col = colour_inc_x2_then_x1, add =TRUE)legend("topleft", legend =c("Obs S=0", "Obs S=1", latex2exp::TeX("Seq. T.: Assuming $X_2 \\rightarrow X_1$") ),lty=1,col =c(colours["A"], colours["B"], colour_inc_x2_then_x1), bty="n")
Figure 5.8: Estimated densities of \((X_1, X_2)\) using the factual values or the counterfactual values.