3Fast Transport on a Grid with Numerical Covariates
In this chapter, we illustrate the interpretable counterfactual fairness methodology based on sequential transport on simulated data, using our algorithm. Note that this algorithm works only for numerical covariates.
Required packages and definition of colours.
library(tidyverse)library(ks)library(dichromat)library(expm)colours <-c(`0`="#5BBCD6", `1`="#FF0000", A ="#00A08A", B ="#F2AD00", with ="#046C9A", without ="#C93312", `2`="#0B775E")# Colour scale from colour of class 0 to class 1colfunc <-colorRampPalette(c(colours["0"], colours["1"]))scl <- scales::alpha(colfunc(9),.9)
3.1 Data Generation
Consider a causal structural model with a sensitive attribute \(s\) with no parents, two legitimate features \(x_1\) and \(x_2\), and an outcome \(y\).
Let us draw 100 observation per group. For group 0, we draw values from a multivariate Gaussian distribution with mean -1 and the following variance-covariance matrix: \(\Sigma_0 = \begin{bmatrix}1.2^2 & \frac{1.2^2}{2}\\ \frac{1.2^2}{2} & 1.2^2\end{bmatrix}\). For group 1, we draw values from a multivariate Gaussian distribution with mean 1.5 and with the following variance-covariance matrix: \(\Sigma_0 = \begin{bmatrix}.9^2 & -\frac{4\times .9^2}{10}\\ -\frac{4 \times .9^2}{2} & .9^2\end{bmatrix}\).
# Number of observations per groupset.seed(123) # set the seed for reproductible resultsn <-100# First bivariate Gaussian distribution: group s=0M0 <-c(-1, -1)S0 <-matrix(c(1, .5, .5,1) *1.2^2, 2, 2)X0 <- mnormt::rmnorm(n, M0, S0)D_SXY_0 <-data.frame(S =0,X1 = X0[, 1],X2 = X0[, 2])# Second bivariate Gaussian distribution: group s=1M1 <-c(1.5, 1.5)S1 <-matrix(c(1, -.4, -.4, 1) * .9^2, 2, 2)X1 <- mnormt::rmnorm(n, M1, S1)D_SXY_1 <-data.frame(S =1,X1 = X1[,1],X2 = X1[,2])
Assume the response variable, \(Y\), to be a binary variable that depends on the covariates of each group. More specifically, assume that it is drawn from a Bernoulli distribution with probability of occurrence being linked through a logistic function to \(x_1\) and \(x_2\), i.e., \(Y \sim \mathcal{B}(p(S))\), where \(p(S)\) differs among groups: \[
p(S) = \begin{cases}
\frac{\exp{(\eta_0})}{1+\exp{(\eta_0)}}, & \text{if } S = 0,\\
\frac{\exp{(\eta_1})}{1+\exp{(\eta_1)}}, & \text{if } S = 1,
\] where \[
\eta_0 = \frac{1.2 x_1 + 1.6x2}{2}\\
\eta_1 = \frac{.8 x_1 + 2.4x2}{2}.
# Drawing random binary response variable Y with logistic model for each groupeta_0 <- (D_SXY_0$X1 *1.2+ D_SXY_0$X2 /2* .8) /2eta_1 <- (D_SXY_1$X1 * .8+ D_SXY_1$X2 /2*1.2) /2p_0 <-exp(eta_0) / (1+exp(eta_0))p_1 <-exp(eta_1) / (1+exp(eta_1))D_SXY_0$Y <-rbinom(n, size =1, prob = p_0)D_SXY_1$Y <-rbinom(n, size =1, prob = p_1)
We merge the two datasets in a single one
D_SXY <-rbind(D_SXY_0, D_SXY_1)
And we create two datasets that contain individuals from group 0 only, and individuals from group 1 only:
# Dataset with individuals in group 0 onlyD_SXY0 <- D_SXY[D_SXY$S ==0, ]# Dataset with individuals in group 1 onlyD_SXY1 <- D_SXY[D_SXY$S ==1,]
For illustration, we would like to display the contour of the density in each group on the graphs. To do so, we rely on a kernel density estimation:
# Computation of smoothing parameters (bandwidth) for kernel density estimationH0 <-Hpi(D_SXY0[, c("X1","X2")])H1 <-Hpi(D_SXY1[, c("X1","X2")])# Calculating multivariate densities in each groupf0_2d <-kde(D_SXY0[, c("X1","X2")], H = H0, xmin =c(-5, -5), xmax =c(5, 5))f1_2d <-kde(D_SXY1[, c("X1","X2")], H = H1, xmin =c(-5, -5), xmax =c(5, 5))
3.2 Optimal Transport
First, for comparison purposes, since \(X_1\) and \(X_2\) are drawn from a multivariate Gaussian distribution, we can compute the transported values using the closed form formula.
Assume the scores obtained from a logistic regression write: \[
m(x_1,x_2,s)=\big(1+\exp\big[-\big((x_1+x_2)/2 + \boldsymbol{1}(s=1)\big)\big]\big)^{-1}.
#' Logistic regression#' #' @param x1 first numerical predictor#' @param x2 second numerical predictor#' @param s sensitive attribute (0/1)logistique_reg <-function(x1, x2, s) { eta <- (x1 + x2) /2- sexp(eta) / (1+exp(eta))}
3.4 Illustrative example: small grid
We have two features \(x_1\) and \(x_2\) (i.e., \(\boldsymbol{v} = \{x_1, x_2\}\)) that need to be transported from group \(s=0\) to group \(s=1\). We will therefore use a grid in dimension 2 to apply our algorithm. Recall that we assume that \(x_1\) depends on \(s\) only, and that \(x_2\) depends on both \(x_1\) and \(s\). Hence, to transport \(x_2\), we need to transport \(x_1\) before.
3.4.1 Transport of \(x_1\)
We transport the first dimension. In the notations of our algorithm, \(j = x_1\).
For now, we define \(k=10\) cells in each dimension (we will use 500 after), to obtain \(\boldsymbol{g}_{x_1|s}\) To define the coordinates of the grid, we expand the domain of observed values in each value by a value \(h\) that we set to .2 here.
n_grid_example <-10h <- .2
The coordinates of the cells \(\boldsymbol{g}_{x_1|s=0}\)
vx1_example_0 <-seq(min(D_SXY_0$X1) - h, max(D_SXY_0$X1) + h, length = n_grid_example +1)vx1_example_0 # coordinates for the cells in dimension 1 for group 0
The coordinates of the cells \(\boldsymbol{g}_{x_1|s=1}\)
vx1_example_1 <-seq(min(D_SXY_1$X1) - h, max(D_SXY_1$X1) + h, length = n_grid_example +1)vx1_example_1 # coordinates for the cells in dimension 1 for group 1
par(mar =c(2,2,0,0))plot( vx1_example_0, vx1_example_0*0, xlab ="", ylab ="", axes =FALSE, col =NA, xlim =c(-4, 4), ylim =c(.5, 1.7))axis(1)for(i in1:n_grid_example) {rect(vx1_example_0[i], .5, vx1_example_0[i+1], 1, border="grey")}points(D_SXY_0$X1, y =rep(.6, nrow(D_SXY_0)), col =alpha(colours["A"], .3), pch =19, cex = .2)points(vx1_example_0_mid, y =rep(.75, n_grid_example), col = colours["A"], pch =4, cex =1.5)for(i in1:n_grid_example) {rect(vx1_example_1[i], 1.1, vx1_example_1[i+1], 1.6, border="grey")}points(D_SXY_1$X1, y =rep(1.2, nrow(D_SXY_1)), col =alpha(colours["B"], .3), pch =19, cex = .2)points(vx1_example_1_mid, y =rep(1.35, n_grid_example), col = colours["B"], pch =4, cex =1.5)
Figure 3.1: Example with a grid with 10 cells created in each group (0 in green and 1 in yellow). The observed values are represented by the dots. The crosses represent the millde of the cells.
Imagine that we want to transport the following individual:
id_indiv <-2indiv <- D_SXY_0[id_indiv, ]indiv
S X1 X2 Y
2 0 0.87045 0.008499458 1
Instead of being in group \(s=0\), we would like it to be in group \(s=1\). Assume here that we want to transport its \(x_1\) characteristic.
Codes used to create the Figure.
par(mar =c(2,2,0,0))plot( vx1_example_0, vx1_example_0*0, xlab ="", ylab ="", axes =FALSE, col =NA, xlim =c(-4, 4), ylim =c(.5, 1.7))axis(1)for(i in1:n_grid_example) {rect(vx1_example_0[i], .5, vx1_example_0[i+1], 1, border="grey")}points(D_SXY_0$X1, y =rep(.6, nrow(D_SXY_0)), col =alpha(colours["A"], .3), pch =19, cex = .2)points(vx1_example_0_mid, y =rep(.75, n_grid_example), col = colours["A"], pch =4, cex =1.5)for(i in1:n_grid_example) {rect(vx1_example_1[i], 1.1, vx1_example_1[i+1], 1.6, border="grey")}points(D_SXY_1$X1, y =rep(1.2, nrow(D_SXY_1)), col =alpha(colours["B"], .3), pch =19, cex = .2)points(vx1_example_1_mid, y =rep(1.35, n_grid_example), col = colours["B"], pch =4, cex =1.5)points(D_SXY_0[id_indiv, "X1"], .6, col ="red", pch =19, cex =1.5)
Figure 3.2: The individual from group \(s=0\) for which we want to get a counterfactual
We identify in which cell of the grid that individual belongs, indexed \(i_0\):
par(mar =c(2,2,0,0))plot( vx1_example_0, vx1_example_0*0, xlab ="", ylab ="", axes =FALSE, col =NA, xlim =c(-4, 4), ylim =c(.5, 1.7))axis(1)for(i in1:n_grid_example) {rect(vx1_example_0[i], .5, vx1_example_0[i+1], 1, border="grey")}points(D_SXY_0$X1, y =rep(.6, nrow(D_SXY_0)), col =alpha(colours["A"], .3), pch =19, cex = .2)points(vx1_example_0_mid, y =rep(.75, n_grid_example), col = colours["A"], pch =4, cex =1.5)for(i in1:n_grid_example) {rect(vx1_example_1[i], 1.1, vx1_example_1[i+1], 1.6, border="grey")}points(D_SXY_1$X1, y =rep(1.2, nrow(D_SXY_1)), col =alpha(colours["B"], .3), pch =19, cex = .2)points(vx1_example_1_mid, y =rep(1.35, n_grid_example), col = colours["B"], pch =4, cex =1.5)# Individual of interestpoints(D_SXY_0[id_indiv, "X1"], .6, col ="red", pch =19, cex =1.5)# Cell in which the individual belongs torect(vx1_example_0[i_0], .5, vx1_example_0[i_0+1], 1, border="red")
Figure 3.3: The cell for the \(x_1\) dimension in which that individual belongs to
We need to find the corresponding cell in the grid of the other group, \(\boldsymbol{g}_{x_1|s=1}\). The correspondence is based on quantiles. First, we compute the c.d.f. at each coordinate of the grid: \(F_{x_1|s=0}\).
We need to find the quantile for that level in the distribution of the other group. To that end, we compute the quantiles of \(x_1\) in group \(s=1\), i.e., \(Q_{x_1|s=1}\):
The transported value for \(x_1\), \(x_1^* = T_1^*(x_1)\), is thus:
(x1star <- q1_1_example[i_1])
And that point belongs in the following cell \(\boldsymbol{g}_{x_1, k_1|s=0}\):
(k1 <-which.min(abs(vx1_example_1_mid - x1star)))
[1] 9
Codes used to create the Figure.
par(mar =c(2,2,0,0))plot( vx1_example_0, vx1_example_0*0, xlab ="", ylab ="", axes =FALSE, col =NA, xlim =c(-4, 4), ylim =c(.5, 1.7))axis(1)for(i in1:n_grid_example) {rect( vx1_example_0[i], .5, vx1_example_0[i+1], 1, border="grey",col = scales::alpha(colours["A"], f1_0_example[i]) )}points(D_SXY_0$X1, y =rep(.6, nrow(D_SXY_0)), col =alpha(colours["A"], .3), pch =19, cex = .2)points(vx1_example_0_mid, y =rep(.75, n_grid_example), col = colours["A"], pch =4, cex =1.5)for(i in1:n_grid_example) {rect(vx1_example_1[i], 1.1, vx1_example_1[i+1], 1.6, border="grey",col = scales::alpha(colours["B"], u[i]) )}points(D_SXY_1$X1, y =rep(1.2, nrow(D_SXY_1)), col =alpha(colours["B"], .3), pch =19, cex = .2)points(vx1_example_1_mid, y =rep(1.35, n_grid_example), col = colours["B"], pch =4, cex =1.5)# Individual of interestx1 <- D_SXY_0[id_indiv, "X1"]points(D_SXY_0[id_indiv, "X1"], .6, col ="red", pch =19, cex =1.5)# Cell in which the individual belongs torect(vx1_example_0[i_0], .5, vx1_example_0[i_0+1], 1, border="red")# Corresponding cell in other group, based on quantilerect(vx1_example_1[k1], 1.1, vx1_example_1[k1+1], 1.6, border="blue")points(x1star, y =1.35, col ="black", pch =19, cex =1.5)
Figure 3.5: The matched cell in the other group, and the transport of \(x_1\) from \(s=0\) to \(s=1\)
3.4.2 Transport of \(x_2\)
Now that we have transported \(x_1\) for our individual, we need to transport \(x_2\), to obtain \(x_2^* = T_2^*(x_2 | x_1)\).
As before, we define coordinates for a grid in the second dimension, beginning with \(\boldsymbol{g}_{x_2 | s = 0}\)
vx2_example_0 <-seq(min(D_SXY_0$X2) - h, max(D_SXY_0$X2) + h, length = n_grid_example +1)vx2_example_0 # coordinates for the cells in dimension 2 for group 0
vx2_example_1 <-seq(min(D_SXY_1$X2) - h, max(D_SXY_1$X2) + h, length = n_grid_example +1)vx2_example_1 # coordinates for the cells in dimension 2 for group 1
par(mar =c(2,2,0,0))plot( vx1_example_0, vx2_example_0, xlab ="", ylab ="", axes =FALSE, col =NA, xlim =c(-4, 5), ylim =c(-4, 5))axis(1)axis(2)# Grid for Group 0for (i in1:n_grid_example) {for (j in1:n_grid_example)rect(xleft = vx1_example_0[i], ybottom = vx2_example_0[j], xright = vx1_example_0[i+1], ytop = vx2_example_0[j+1],border =alpha(colours["A"], .4) )}# Observed valuespoints(D_SXY_0$X1, D_SXY_0$X2, col =alpha(colours["A"], .4), pch =19, cex = .1)# Estimated densitycontour( f0_2d$eval.point[[1]], f0_2d$eval.point[[2]], f0_2d$estimate,col=scales::alpha(colours["A"], 1),add =TRUE)# Grid for Group 1for (i in1:n_grid_example) {for (j in1:n_grid_example)rect(xleft = vx1_example_1[i], ybottom = vx2_example_1[j], xright = vx1_example_1[i+1], ytop = vx2_example_1[j+1],border =alpha(colours["B"], .4) )}points(D_SXY_1$X1, D_SXY_1$X2, col =alpha(colours["B"], .4), pch =19, cex = .1)contour( f1_2d$eval.point[[1]], f1_2d$eval.point[[2]], f1_2d$estimate,col=scales::alpha(colours["B"], 1),add =TRUE)# Point of interestpoints(indiv$X1, indiv$X2, col ="red", pch =19)# identified cells in the dimension x1, in group 0rect(xleft = vx1_example_0[k0], ybottom = vx2_example_0[1], xright = vx1_example_0[k0+1], ytop = vx2_example_0[n_grid_example+1],border="red")# corresponding cells in the same dimension, in group 1rect(xleft = vx1_example_1[k0], ybottom = vx2_example_1[1], xright = vx1_example_1[k0+1], ytop = vx2_example_1[n_grid_example+1],border="blue")# midpoints of these cellspoints(rep(vx1_example_1_mid[k0],n_grid_example), vx2_example_1_mid, col = colours["B"], pch =4)
Figure 3.7: The transported point from \(s=0\) to \(s=1\) when sequentially transporting by \(x_1\) and then by \(x_2 | x_1\) will be in the blue rectangle
The coordinate \(x_2\) of the individuals is:
(x2 <- indiv$X2)
[1] 0.008499458
And the cell in which this point belongs to in the grid for that dimension (\(\boldsymbol{g}_{x_2|s=0}\)) needs to be identified. To do so, we look at how close the point is from each middle point of the grid from the second coordinate in group \(s=0\):
vx2_example_0_mid <- (vx2_example_0[2:(1+ n_grid_example)] + vx2_example_0[1:(n_grid_example)]) /2# identify closest cell in s=0 for x2 coordinate(i_0 <-which.min(abs(vx2_example_0_mid - x2)))
[1] 7
Codes used to create the Figure.
par(mar =c(2,2,0,0))plot( vx1_example_0, vx2_example_0, xlab ="", ylab ="", axes =FALSE, col =NA, xlim =c(-4, 5), ylim =c(-4, 5))axis(1)axis(2)# Grid for Group 0for (i in1:n_grid_example) {for (j in1:n_grid_example)rect(xleft = vx1_example_0[i], ybottom = vx2_example_0[j], xright = vx1_example_0[i+1], ytop = vx2_example_0[j+1],border =alpha(colours["A"], .4) )}# Observed valuespoints(D_SXY_0$X1, D_SXY_0$X2, col =alpha(colours["A"], .4), pch =19, cex = .1)# Estimated densitycontour( f0_2d$eval.point[[1]], f0_2d$eval.point[[2]], f0_2d$estimate,col=scales::alpha(colours["A"], 1),add =TRUE)# Grid for Group 1for (i in1:n_grid_example) {for (j in1:n_grid_example)rect(xleft = vx1_example_1[i], ybottom = vx2_example_1[j], xright = vx1_example_1[i+1], ytop = vx2_example_1[j+1],border =alpha(colours["B"], .4) )}points(D_SXY_1$X1, D_SXY_1$X2, col =alpha(colours["B"], .4), pch =19, cex = .1)contour( f1_2d$eval.point[[1]], f1_2d$eval.point[[2]], f1_2d$estimate,col=scales::alpha(colours["B"], 1),add =TRUE)# Point of interestpoints(indiv$X1, indiv$X2, col ="red", pch =19)# identified cells in the dimension x1, in group 0rect(xleft = vx1_example_0[k0], ybottom = vx2_example_0[1], xright = vx1_example_0[k0+1], ytop = vx2_example_0[n_grid_example+1],border="red")# Identified cell in the dimension x2, in group 0rect(xleft = vx1_example_0[k0], ybottom = vx2_example_0[i_0], xright = vx1_example_0[k0+1], ytop = vx2_example_0[i_0+1],border ="red", lwd =2)# corresponding cells in the same dimension, in group 1rect(xleft = vx1_example_1[k0], ybottom = vx2_example_1[1], xright = vx1_example_1[k0+1], ytop = vx2_example_1[n_grid_example+1],border="blue")# midpoints of these cellspoints(rep(vx1_example_1_mid[k0],n_grid_example), vx2_example_1_mid, col = colours["B"], pch =4)
Figure 3.8: The cell in which the inddividual belongs to in the second coordinate is identified
To transport \(x_2\) conditionally on \(x_1\), we need to compute the c.d.f. of \(x_2\) in group 0 conditional on \(x_1\), i.e., \(F_{x_2|s=0}[\cdot, \boldsymbol{i}]\) (where \(\boldsymbol{i}=\{1, \ldots, 10\}\) here, since \(x_2\) only has one parent among \(\boldsymbol{v}\)). To do so, we use an iterative process: we loop over the grid in the dimension of \(x_1\) (the parent), and then, for each cell, we identify the points in the neighborhood with respect to their \(x_1\) coordinates, and then, we can compute the c.d.f. at each point of the grid in the second dimension.
During the iteration process, we also compute the quantiles of \(x_2\) conditional on \(x_1\), but in the group \(s=1\), i.e., \(Q_{x_2|s=1}[\cdot,\boldsymbol{i}]\).
# setting a neighborhoodd <- .5F2_0 <-matrix(NA, n_grid_example, n_grid_example)Q2_1 <-matrix(NA, n_grid_example, n_grid_example)for (i in1:n_grid_example) {# Identify points in group 0 close to the coordinate x1 of the midpoint of# the current cell idx1_0 <-which(abs(D_SXY_0$X1 - vx1_example_0_mid[i]) < d)# c.d.f. FdR2_0 <-Vectorize(function(x) mean(D_SXY_0$X2[idx1_0] <= x)) F2_0[,i] <-FdR2_0(vx2_example_0_mid)# Identify points in group 1 close to the coordinate x1 of the midpoint of# the current cell idx1_1 <-which(abs(D_SXY_1$X1 - vx1_example_1_mid[i]) < d) Qtl2_1 <-Vectorize(function(x) quantile(D_SXY_1$X2[idx1_1], x)) Q2_1[,i] =Qtl2_1(u)}
Let us visualize the estimated c.d.f. in each cell of the complete grid in group 0:
Codes used to create the Figure.
par(mar =c(2,2,0,0))plot( vx1_example_0, vx2_example_0, xlab ="", ylab ="", axes =FALSE, col =NA, xlim =c(-4, 5), ylim =c(-4, 5))axis(1)axis(2)# Grid for Group 0for (i in1:n_grid_example) {for (j in1:n_grid_example)rect(xleft = vx1_example_0[i], ybottom = vx2_example_0[j], xright = vx1_example_0[i+1], ytop = vx2_example_0[j+1],border =alpha(colours["A"], .4),col =alpha(colours["A"], F2_0[i,j]/2) )}# Observed valuespoints(D_SXY_0$X1, D_SXY_0$X2, col =alpha(colours["A"], .4), pch =19, cex = .1)# Estimated densitycontour( f0_2d$eval.point[[1]], f0_2d$eval.point[[2]], f0_2d$estimate,col=scales::alpha(colours["A"], 1),add =TRUE)# Grid for Group 1for (i in1:n_grid_example) {for (j in1:n_grid_example)rect(xleft = vx1_example_1[i], ybottom = vx2_example_1[j], xright = vx1_example_1[i+1], ytop = vx2_example_1[j+1],border =alpha(colours["B"], .4) )}points(D_SXY_1$X1, D_SXY_1$X2, col =alpha(colours["B"], .4), pch =19, cex = .1)contour( f1_2d$eval.point[[1]], f1_2d$eval.point[[2]], f1_2d$estimate,col=scales::alpha(colours["B"], 1),add =TRUE)# Point of interestpoints(indiv$X1, indiv$X2, col ="red", pch =19)# identified cells in the dimension x1, in group 0rect(xleft = vx1_example_0[k0], ybottom = vx2_example_0[1], xright = vx1_example_0[k0+1], ytop = vx2_example_0[n_grid_example+1],border="red")# Identified cell in the dimension x2, in group 0rect(xleft = vx1_example_0[k0], ybottom = vx2_example_0[i_0], xright = vx1_example_0[k0+1], ytop = vx2_example_0[i_0+1],border ="red", lwd =2)# corresponding cells in the same dimension, in group 1rect(xleft = vx1_example_1[k0], ybottom = vx2_example_1[1], xright = vx1_example_1[k0+1], ytop = vx2_example_1[n_grid_example+1],border="blue")# midpoints of these cellspoints(rep(vx1_example_1_mid[k0],n_grid_example), vx2_example_1_mid, col = colours["B"], pch =4)
Figure 3.9: The conditional c.d.f of \(x_2 | x_1\) in group \(s=0\).
And the estimated conditional quantiles of \(x_2 | x_1\) in the group \(s=1\), \(Q_{x_2|s=1[\cdot, \boldsymbol{i}]}\):
Codes used to create the Figure.
par(mar =c(2,2,0,0))plot( vx1_example_0, vx2_example_0, xlab ="", ylab ="", axes =FALSE, col =NA, xlim =c(-4, 5), ylim =c(-4, 5))axis(1)axis(2)# Grid for Group 0for (i in1:n_grid_example) {for (j in1:n_grid_example)rect(xleft = vx1_example_0[i], ybottom = vx2_example_0[j], xright = vx1_example_0[i+1], ytop = vx2_example_0[j+1],border =alpha(colours["A"], .4),col =alpha(colours["A"], F2_0[i,j]/3) )}# Observed valuespoints(D_SXY_0$X1, D_SXY_0$X2, col =alpha(colours["A"], .4), pch =19, cex = .1)# Estimated densitycontour( f0_2d$eval.point[[1]], f0_2d$eval.point[[2]], f0_2d$estimate,col=scales::alpha(colours["A"], 1),add =TRUE)# Grid for Group 1for (i in1:n_grid_example) {for (j in1:n_grid_example)rect(xleft = vx1_example_1[i], ybottom = vx2_example_1[j], xright = vx1_example_1[i+1], ytop = vx2_example_1[j+1],border =alpha(colours["B"], .4),col =alpha(colours["B"], Q2_1[i,j]/3) )}points(D_SXY_1$X1, D_SXY_1$X2, col =alpha(colours["B"], .4), pch =19, cex = .1)contour( f1_2d$eval.point[[1]], f1_2d$eval.point[[2]], f1_2d$estimate,col=scales::alpha(colours["B"], 1),add =TRUE)# Point of interestpoints(indiv$X1, indiv$X2, col ="red", pch =19)# identified cells in the dimension x1, in group 0rect(xleft = vx1_example_0[k0], ybottom = vx2_example_0[1], xright = vx1_example_0[k0+1], ytop = vx2_example_0[n_grid_example+1],border="red")# Identified cell in the dimension x2, in group 0rect(xleft = vx1_example_0[k0], ybottom = vx2_example_0[i_0], xright = vx1_example_0[k0+1], ytop = vx2_example_0[i_0+1],border ="red", lwd =2)# corresponding cells in the same dimension, in group 1rect(xleft = vx1_example_1[k0], ybottom = vx2_example_1[1], xright = vx1_example_1[k0+1], ytop = vx2_example_1[n_grid_example+1],border="blue")
Figure 3.10: The conditional quantiles of \(x_2 | x_1\) in group \(s=1\).
Lastly, we can identify the c.d.f. in the identified cell:
# c.d.f. for the closest cell in s=0 for x2 coordinates(p <- F2_0[i_0, k0])
[1] 0.6
The corresponding quantile level:
(i_1 <-which.min(abs(u - p)))
[1] 7
And the quantile in group \(s=1\), which is therefore the transported value of \(x_2 | x_1\), \(T_2^*(x_2 | x_1)\):
(x2star <- Q2_1[i_1, k1])
[1] 1.025227
The corresponding cell in group \(s=1\) for dimension \(x_2\):
# A tibble: 1 × 3
S X1 X2
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 2.94 1.03
Codes used to create the Figure.
par(mar =c(2,2,0,0))plot( vx1_example_0, vx2_example_0, xlab ="", ylab ="", axes =FALSE, col =NA, xlim =c(-4, 5), ylim =c(-4, 5))axis(1)axis(2)# Grid for Group 0for (i in1:n_grid_example) {for (j in1:n_grid_example)rect(xleft = vx1_example_0[i], ybottom = vx2_example_0[j], xright = vx1_example_0[i+1], ytop = vx2_example_0[j+1],border =alpha(colours["A"], .4),col =alpha(colours["A"], F2_0[i,j]/3) )}# Observed valuespoints(D_SXY_0$X1, D_SXY_0$X2, col =alpha(colours["A"], .4), pch =19, cex = .1)# Estimated densitycontour( f0_2d$eval.point[[1]], f0_2d$eval.point[[2]], f0_2d$estimate,col=scales::alpha(colours["A"], 1),add =TRUE)# Grid for Group 1for (i in1:n_grid_example) {for (j in1:n_grid_example)rect(xleft = vx1_example_1[i], ybottom = vx2_example_1[j], xright = vx1_example_1[i+1], ytop = vx2_example_1[j+1],border =alpha(colours["B"], .4),col =alpha(colours["B"], Q2_1[i,j]/3) )}points(D_SXY_1$X1, D_SXY_1$X2, col =alpha(colours["B"], .4), pch =19, cex = .1)contour( f1_2d$eval.point[[1]], f1_2d$eval.point[[2]], f1_2d$estimate,col=scales::alpha(colours["B"], 1),add =TRUE)# Point of interestpoints(indiv$X1, indiv$X2, col ="red", pch =19)# identified cells in the dimension x1, in group 0rect(xleft = vx1_example_0[k0], ybottom = vx2_example_0[1], xright = vx1_example_0[k0+1], ytop = vx2_example_0[n_grid_example+1],border="red")# Identified cell in the dimension x2, in group 0rect(xleft = vx1_example_0[k0], ybottom = vx2_example_0[i_0], xright = vx1_example_0[k0+1], ytop = vx2_example_0[i_0+1],border ="red", lwd =2)# corresponding cells in the same dimension, in group 1rect(xleft = vx1_example_1[k0], ybottom = vx2_example_1[1], xright = vx1_example_1[k0+1], ytop = vx2_example_1[n_grid_example+1],border="blue")rect(xleft = vx1_example_1[k0], ybottom = vx2_example_1[k2], xright = vx1_example_1[k0+1], ytop = vx2_example_1[k2+1],border ="blue", lwd =2)points(x1star, x2star, col ="black", pch =19)
Transported value of (\(s=0, x_1, x_2\)) in group 0 to (\(s=1, x_1^* = T_1*(x_1), x_2^* = T_2^*(x_2 | x_1)\))
3.5 Larger grid
Let us now consider a much larger grid of \(500\times 500\) instead of \(10\times 10\).
n_grid <-500h <- .2
We can then compute the coordinates of each cell in each dimension, \(g_{j|s}\) for all variable \(j \in \{x_1,x2\}\). As the bounds of the feature space might differ between each group (0 and 1), we make different grids for each group.
# Group 0## First dimension (x1)vx1_0 <-seq(min(D_SXY_0$X1) - h, max(D_SXY_0$X1) + h, length = n_grid +1)## Second dimension (x2)vx2_0 <-seq(min(D_SXY_0$X2) - h, max(D_SXY_0$X2) + h, length = n_grid +1)# Group 1## First dimension (x1)vx1_1 <-seq(min(D_SXY_1$X1) - h, max(D_SXY_1$X1) + h, length = n_grid +1)## Second dimension (x2)vx2_1 <-seq(min(D_SXY_1$X2) - h, max(D_SXY_1$X2) + h, length = n_grid +1)
Let us make predictions with the model presented in Section 4.6.3 on a grid:
vx0 <-seq(-5, 5, length =251)data_grid <-expand.grid(x = vx0, y = vx0)L0 <-logistique_reg(x1 = data_grid$x, x2 = data_grid$y, s =0)L1 <-logistique_reg(x1 = data_grid$x, x2 = data_grid$y, s =1)# as a grid:dlogistique0 <-matrix(L0, length(vx0), length(vx0))dlogistique1 <-matrix(L1, length(vx0), length(vx0))
3.5.1 Functions for Sequential Transport
Let us define a function to perform the transport of \(x_0\) from \(s=0\) to \(s_1\), i.e., \(T_1^*(x_1)\)
#' Transport of x1 from s=0 to s=1#' #' @param x2 vector of x2's values#' @descriptions#' - vx1_0_mid: coordinates of center of cells (axis x1, s=0)#' - f1_0: c.d.f. values for x1 in group s=0#' - u: quantile levels#' - q1_1: quantile values for x1 in group s=1transport_x1 <-function(x1) {# identify closest cell of the grid to the coordinates of x1 in group s=0 i <-which.min(abs(vx1_0_mid - x1))# c.d.f. for that cell, in group s=0 p <- f1_0[i]# identify closest quantile level i <-which.min(abs(u - p))# corresponding quantile in group s=1 x1star <- q1_1[i] x1star}
Another function to transport \(x_2\) from \(s=0\) to \(s=1\), i.e., \(T_2^*(x_2)\):
#' Transport of x2 from s=0 to s=1#' #' @param x2 vector of x2's values#' @descriptions#' - vx2_0_mid: coordinates of center of cells (axis x2, s=0)#' - f2_0: c.d.f. values for x2 in group s=0#' - u: quantile levels#' - q2_1: quantile values of x2 in group s=1transport_x2 <-function(x2) {# identify closest cell of the grid to the coordinates of x2 in group s=0 i <-which.min(abs(vx2_0_mid - x2))# c.d.f. for that cell, in group s=0 p <- f2_0[i]# identify closest quantile level i <-which.min(abs(u - p))# corresponding quantile in group s=1 x2star <- q2_1[i] x2star}
A function to transport \(x_1\) conditionally on \(x_2\), i.e., \(T_1^*(x_1 | x_2)\):
#' Transport for x1 conditional on x2, from s=0 to s=1#' #' @param x1 numerical vector with x1's values#' @param x2 numerical vector with x2's values#' @description#' - vx2_0_mid: coordinates of center of cells (axis x2, s=0)#' - vx2_1_mid: coordinates of center of cells (axis x2, s=1)#' - vx1_0_mid: coordinates of center of cells (axis x1, s=0)transport_x1_cond_x2 <-function(x1, x2) {# identify closest cell in s=0 for x2 coordinate k0 <-which.min(abs(vx2_0_mid - x2))# identify closest cell in s=1 for transported x2 coordinate k1 <-which.min(abs(vx2_1_mid -transport_x2(x2)))# identify closest cell in s=0 for x1 coordinate i_0 <-which.min(abs(vx1_0_mid - x1))# c.d.f. for the closest cell in s=0 for x1 coordinates p <- F1_0[i_0, k0]# identify closest quantile level i_1 <-which.min(abs(u - p))# corresponding quantile in group s=1 x1star <- Q1_1[i_1, k1] x1star}
And a last function to transport \(x_2\) conditionally on \(x_1\), i.e., \(T_2^*(x_2 |x_1)\):
#' Transport for x2 conditional on x1, from s=0 to s=1#' #' @param x2 numerical vector with x2's values#' @param x1 numerical vector with x1's values#' @description#' - vx1_0_mid: coordinates of center of cells (axis x1, s=0)#' - vx1_1_mid: coordinates of center of cells (axis x1, s=1)#' - vx2_0_mid: coordinates of center of cells (axis x2, s=0)transport_x2_cond_x1 <-function(x2, x1){# identify closest cell in s=0 for x1 coordinate k0 <-which.min(abs(vx1_0_mid - x1))# identify closest cell in s=1 for transported x1 coordinate k1 <-which.min(abs(vx1_1_mid -transport_x1(x1)))# identify closest cell in s=0 for x2 coordinate i_0 <-which.min(abs(vx2_0_mid - x2))# c.d.f. for the closest cell in s=0 for x2 coordinates p <- F2_0[i_0, k0]# identify closest quantile level i_1 <-which.min(abs(u - p))# corresponding quantile in group s=1 x2star <- Q2_1[i_1, k1] x2star}
Codes used to create the Figure.
par(mar =c(2,2,0,0))# Group 0## Estimated density: level curves for (x1, x2) -> m(0, x1, x2)contour( f0_2d$eval.point[[1]], f0_2d$eval.point[[2]], f0_2d$estimate,col=scales::alpha(colours["A"], 1),axes =FALSE, xlab ="", ylab ="")# Contour of estimates by the modelcontour( vx0, vx0, dlogistique0,levels = (1:9) /10,col = scl, lwd =1.6,add =TRUE)axis(1)axis(2)
Figure 3.11: Level curves for \((x_1, x_2) \rightarrow m(0, x_1, x_2)\) In the background, estimated density of \((s=0, x_1, x_2)\) (level curves).
Codes used to create the Figure.
# Group 1## Estimated density: level curves for (x1, x2) -> m(1, x1, x2)contour( f1_2d$eval.point[[1]], f1_2d$eval.point[[2]], f1_2d$estimate,col = scales::alpha(colours["B"], 1),axes =FALSE, xlab ="", ylab ="")# Contour of estimates by the modelcontour( vx0, vx0, dlogistique1, col = scl,add =TRUE,levels = (1:9) /10,lwd =1.6)axis(1)axis(2)
Figure 3.12: Level curves for \((x_1, x_2) \rightarrow m(1, x_1, x_2)\) In the background, estimated density of \((s=1, x_1, x_2)\) (level curves).
Let us focus on individual \((s, -2, 1)\).
xystart <-c(-2,-1)
The counterfactual with optimal transport:
(new_obs_ot <-OT(xystart))
[1] 0.6353342 1.8903242
Let us make multiple predictions for that individual, given the assumed structural model.
Figure 3.13: Causal network with two legitimate mitigating variables \(x_1\) and \(x_2\).
Figure 3.14: Causal network with two legitimate mitigating variables \(x_1\) and \(x_2\).
x2_then_x1: \(T_1^*(x1 | x2), T_2^*(x2)\), the transported value when assuming the structural model shown in Figure 3.14
x1_then_x2: \(T_1^*(x1), T_2^*(x2|x_1)\), the transported value when assuming the structural model shown in Figure 3.13
x1_intermediaire: \((T_1^*(x1), x2)\), the transported value for \(x_1\) only
x2_intermediaire: \((x1, T_2^*(x2))\), the transported value for \(x_2\) only.
Let us first explore the mutatis mutandis difference \(m(s=1, x_1^*, x_2^*) - m(s = 0, x1, x_2)\). If we assume the causal structure as in Figure 3.13, it is equal to:
v[3] - v[1]
[1] 0.2270248
This can be decomposed as follows:
the change du to the impact of \(s\) only, \(m(s=1,x_1,x_2) - m(s=0,x_1,x_2)\) (i.e., the ceteris paribus impact):
v[2] - v[1]
[1] -0.1065673
the change due to the impact of \(s\) on \(x_1\), i.e., \(m(s=1,x^\star_1,x_2) - m(s=1,x_1,x_2)\):
v[5] - v[2]
[1] 0.1799062
the change due to the impact of both \(s\) and \(x_1\) on \(x_2\), i.e., \(m(s=1,x^\star_1,x^\star_2) - m(s=1,x^\star_1,x_2)\):
v[3] - v[5]
[1] 0.1536859
If, instead, we assume the causal structure as in Figure 3.14, the mutatis mutandis effect, \(m(s=1, x_1^*, x_2^*) - m(s = 0, x1, x_2)\), would be:
v[4] - v[1]
[1] 0.3582317
This can be decomposed as follows:
the change du to the impact of \(s\) only, \(m(s=1,x_1,x_2) - m(s=0,x_1,x_2)\) (i.e., the ceteris paribus impact):
v[2] - v[1]
[1] -0.1065673
the change due to the impact of \(s\) on \(x_2\), i.e., \(m(s=1,x_1,x_2^*) - m(s=1,x_1,x_2)\):
v[6] - v[2]
[1] 0.1607265
the change due to the impact of both \(s\) and \(x_2\) on \(x_1\), i.e., \(m(s=1,x^\star_1,x^\star_2) - m(s=1,x_1,x_2^*)\):
v[4] - v[6]
[1] 0.3040725
Let us visualize this! We begin with the predicted value by the model.
par(mar =c(2, 2, 0, 0))# Group 0## Estimated density: level curves for (x1, x2) -> m(0, x1, x2)CeX <-1contour( f0_2d$eval.point[[1]], f0_2d$eval.point[[2]], f0_2d$estimate,col = scales::alpha(colours["A"], .3),axes =FALSE, xlab ="", ylab ="")# Group 1## Estimated density: level curves for (x1, x2) -> m(1, x1, x2)contour( f1_2d$eval.point[[1]], f1_2d$eval.point[[2]], f1_2d$estimate,col = scales::alpha(colours["B"], .3), add =TRUE)contour( vx0, vx0, dlogistique0,levels = (1:9)/10,col = scl,add =TRUE,lwd =2)axis(1)axis(2)#### Individual (S=0, x1=-2, x2=-1)###points(coords$start[1], coords$start[2], pch =19, cex = CeX)## Predicted value for the individual, based on factualstext( coords$start[1], coords$start[2],paste(round(v[1] *100, 1), "%", sep =""), pos =1, cex = CeX, col ="darkblue")
Figure 3.15: The predicted value by the model, \(m(s=0, x_1, x_2)\)
And then we can show the the predictions made on the counterfactuals depending on the causal assumption.
par(mar =c(2, 2, 0, 0))# Group 0## Estimated density: level curves for (x1, x2) -> m(0, x1, x2)contour( f0_2d$eval.point[[1]], f0_2d$eval.point[[2]], f0_2d$estimate,col = scales::alpha(colours["A"], .3),axes =FALSE, xlab ="", ylab ="")# Group 1## Estimated density: level curves for (x1, x2) -> m(1, x1, x2)contour( f1_2d$eval.point[[1]], f1_2d$eval.point[[2]], f1_2d$estimate,col = scales::alpha(colours["B"], .3), add =TRUE)# Contour of estimates by the model for s=1contour( vx0, vx0, dlogistique1,levels = (1:9) /10,col = scl, lwd=2,add =TRUE)axis(1)axis(2)#### Individual (s=0, x1=-2, x2=-1)###points(coords$start[1], coords$start[2], pch =19, cex = CeX)## Predicted value for the individual, based on factualstext( coords$start[1] - .3, coords$start[2] - .42- .3,paste(round(v[1] *100, 1), "%", sep =""), pos =1, cex = CeX, col ="darkblue")#### Transported individual when transporting x1 and then x2, i.e.,# (do(s=1), T_1^*(x1), T_2^*(x_2 | x_1))###points(coords$x1_then_x2[1],coords$x1_then_x2[2], pch =19, cex = CeX)segments(x0 = coords$start[1], y0 = coords$start[2], x1 = coords$x1_then_x2[1], y1 = coords$start[2], lwd = .8)segments(x0 = coords$x1_then_x2[1], y0 = coords$x1_then_x2[2],x1 = coords$x1_then_x2[1], y1 = coords$start[2], lwd = .8)## Intermediate pointpoints(coords$x1_then_x2[1], coords$start[2], pch =19, col ="white", cex = CeX)points(coords$x1_then_x2[1], coords$start[2], pch =1, cex = CeX)text( coords$x1_then_x2[1], coords$start[2] - .42,paste(round(v[5] *100, 1), "%", sep =""), pos =4, cex = CeX)# New predicted value for # (do(s=1), T_1^*(x1), T_2^*(x_2 | x_1))text( coords$x1_then_x2[1], coords$x1_then_x2[2],paste(round(v[3]*100,1),"%",sep=""), pos =3, cex = CeX)#### Transported individual when transporting x2 and then x1, i.e.,# (do(s=1), T_1^*(x1 | x2), T_2^*(x_2))###points(coords$x2_then_x1[1],coords$x2_then_x1[2],pch=19,cex=CeX)segments(x0 = coords$start[1], y0 = coords$start[2],x1 = coords$start[1], y1 = coords$x2_then_x1[2],lwd = .8)segments(x0 = coords$x2_then_x1[1], y0 = coords$x2_then_x1[2],x1 = coords$start[1], y1 = coords$x2_then_x1[2],lwd = .8)## Intermediate pointpoints(coords$start[1], coords$x2_then_x1[2], pch =19, col ="white", cex = CeX)points(coords$start[1], coords$x2_then_x1[2], pch =1, cex = CeX)text( coords$start[1], coords$x2_then_x1[2],paste(round(v[6] *100, 1), "%", sep =""), pos =2, cex = CeX)## New predicted value for (do(s=1), T_1^*(x1 | x2), T_2^*(x_2))text( coords$x2_then_x1[1], coords$x2_then_x1[2],paste(round(v[4] *100, 1), "%", sep =""), pos =3, cex = CeX)#### New predicted value for (do(s=1), x1, x2), no transport###ry <- .2plotrix::draw.circle(x = coords$start[1] - ry, y = coords$start[2] - ry, radius = ry *sqrt(2))text( coords$start[1], coords$start[2] + .42,paste(round(v[2] *100, 1), "%", sep =""), pos =4, cex = CeX)#### Transported individual with optimal multivariate transport###points(coords$x_ot[1],coords$x_ot[2], pch =15, cex = CeX, col ="#C93312")segments(x0 = coords$start[1], y0 = coords$start[2], x1 = coords$x_ot[1], y1 = coords$x_ot[2], lwd = .8,col ="#C93312", lty =2)text( coords$x_ot[1], coords$x_ot[2],paste(round(v[7] *100, 1), "%", sep =""), pos =4, cex = CeX,col ="#C93312",)
Figure 3.16: In the background, level curves for\(m(1,x_1,x_2)\). Two counterfactuals are depicted by the black dots \((s=1,x_1^\star,x_2^\star)\) according to a causal graph where \(x_2\) depends on \(x_1\) (bottom left path, predicted 40.9%) and a causal graph where \(x_1\) depends on \(x_2\) (top left path, predicted 54.1%). The red square shows the counterfactual obtained with optimal transport (with a predicted value by model \(m\) at 56.5%).